Reshape Your Job Search
I hate to send a message to all of you because I often find these messages annoying. If you’re not looking for a job or internship, you can stop reading this message and delete it (but please stay a fan).
If you are looking for a job or internship, and you’re frustrated by the process, we have big news for you.
You need to check out our new online job search training course!
It’s called Found Your Career, and it’s a comprehensive, 21 day training course that will completely reshape your job search. The course consists of 41 multimedia lessons (typically 2 per day) that generally take 15-20 minutes to complete. They may be “short,” but that doesn’t mean that they’ll be “easy” – each lesson comes with a serious homework assignment. The lessons will challenge you intellectually and emotionally, so be prepared to step out of your comfort zone. But don’t worry, you won’t have to wake up for an 8 AM class. Found Your Career lessons can be taken at your own pace, whenever you want.
There’s a special introductory price for Facebook Fans who are among the first 100 people to enroll and the class is filling up fast, so sign up before the price goes up.