Monthly Archives: June 2024
Jun 18 2024
Pasadena Reinforces All Fireworks Are Illegal and Ordinance Will Be Strictly Enforced; Fines up to $50,000 and Serving Up to One Year in County Jail




Lisa Derderian, Pasadena Public Information Officer, City Manager’s Office

(626) 744-4755,


Pasadena Reinforces All Fireworks Are Illegal and Ordinance Will Be Strictly Enforced; Fines up to $50,000 and Serving Up to One Year in County Jail


PASADENA, Calif.—Statistics show that fireworks are among the most dangerous of all consumer products. The City maintains a zero-tolerance enforcement policy for fireworks, and Pasadena’s municipal code holds property owners and tenants responsible for permitting the possession, sale, usage, or discharge of fireworks on their property. The ordinance allows for the prosecution of fireworks-related offenses and for the demand of payment for all costs associated with the safe disposal of confiscated fireworks. Any person who violates the ordinance or any state law regarding fireworks is subject to arrest; having their vehicles impounded; serving up to one year in county jail; and being fined up to $50,000.

Even hand-held sparklers, which many consider safe, are dangerous and can reach 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit, causing serious burns or fires. National Fire Protection Association statistics reveal that a majority of fireworks-related injuries are caused by so-called “safe and sane” fireworks, which are illegal in Pasadena.

Help keep our community—our children, our homes and our property—safe from illegal fireworks. If you see something, say something! Call Pasadena Police Department at (626) 744-4241 to report illegal fireworks and other suspicious activities. Residents may also use the City Service Center mobile app (Pasadena CSC), available on Google Play and the App Store, to report illegal fireworks.

Pasadena police and firefighters are teaming up for special fireworks enforcement patrols before and during the Fourth of July holiday, and officers will seize fireworks in an effort to protect the public. Parking enforcement officers will ensure that vehicles illegally parked in Pasadena’s hillside areas on July 4 are impounded.

Pasadena Fire Chief Chad Augustin and Police Chief Gene Harris urge everyone to prioritize safety while responsibly celebrating our Great Nation’s Birthday.  The City offers the following safety reminders:

  • Pasadena has a “NO Fireworks, Zero Tolerance Policy” for enforcement.
  • Celebrate responsibility, always designate a driver.
  • If outdoors, remember to use sunscreen, wear a brimmed hat for shade and stay hydrated.
  • Always have someone tending the barbecue and watching the swimming pool when in use.
  • Call 9-1-1 for all life-threatening emergencies.
  • Call (626) 744-4241 for all other public safety needs.  If You See Something, Say Something, especially about illegal fireworks. The home, property or lives you save from fire, might just be your own.
  • Visit for emergency preparedness information and register your telephones to receive Red Flag Alerts or other emergency notifications.


PLEASE NOTE: America Fest will not happen this year. The Rose Bowl Stadium will be hosting a soccer game on July 4. Only ticket holders will be permitted to park in the area, and parking will be strictly enforced around the stadium.

Stay connected to the City of Pasadena! Visit us online at; follow us on TwitterInstagram and Facebook; or call the City Service Center Monday through Friday during business hours at (626) 744-7311.


Jun 13 2024
214 S. Lake Ave Pasadena? Old Dupars and Hamburger Hamlet Location

Something is going in at the old Dupars and hamburger hamlet location. Work has been done from plumbing to painting and construction.

Jun 7 2024
Allen Avenue Transportation Improvements Community Meeting – June 25, 2024

Allen Avenue Transportation Improvements Community Meeting

Tuesday, June 25

5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Jefferson Branch Library 1500 E. Villa St.


Have you seen the pink paint and buffers at Allen and Walnut? The City of Pasadena’s Department of Transportation is testing out temporary improvements along Allen Avenue, between Walnut Street and Villa Street, to make it safer and more enjoyable to walk and bike. Improvements include improved crosswalks, curb extensions at street corners that provide extra space for pedestrians and shorten crossing distances, and new bicycle lanes between Villa Street and Corson Street.

Attend the meeting on June 25 at 5:30pm to learn about the improvements and provide feedback. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please submit your feedback here.