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Celebrate Independence and Daphne’s Offer 2014 Buy One Get One 50% off
Buy any Daphne’s entree and get the second one 50% off.
PetSmart Promotion Codes and Specials July 2014
Exclusive! Buy 1 item get 30% off a second item equal or lesser value. Enter code GET30714 at checkout! Offer valid 7.14 – 7.17
Exclusive! Buy any 2 toys or apparel and get 1 free. Enter code BUY2714 at checkout! Offer valid 7.28 -7.31
Exclusive! Free Shipping no minimum purchase required. Enter code FREEPS714 at checkout. Offer valid 7.18 – 7.20
Exclusive! Free Shipping no minimum purchase required. Enter code JULYFREE14 at checkout! Offer valid 7.4 – 7.6
Exclusive! Save an extra 5% off you online order at PetSmart.com! Enter code EXTRA714 at checkout. Offer valid 7.7 – 7.13
Online Only
Free Shipping on orders over $49! Offer valid 6.23 – 7.27
Save 10% Sitewide! Offer valid 6.23 – 7.1
Save $5 off $30, $10 off $60, $15 off $75! Offer valid 7.2 – 7.6
Save 15% on your online order over $60! Offer valid 7.7 – 7.13
Save 20% on online orders over $60! Offer valid 7.14 – 7.20
Save 20% sitewide! Offer Valid 7.21 – 7.27
Save 15% off $60, 20% off $100! Offer valid 7.28 – 8.3
Additional Promotions
Save up to 30% Biggest Sale of the Year! Offer valid 6.23 – 7.27
Only $9.99 Select Small Wellness Core bags cat food! Offer valid 6.23 – 7.27
Save 20% Carefresh select Advanced Odor Control! Offer valid 6.23- 7.27
Save 25% All furminator dog and cat deshedding tools! Offer valid 6.23 – 7.27
Save up to $10 on select Sentry Fiproguard® Plus & Fiproguard® Max 3 & 6 packs for dog and cat! Offer valid 6.23 – 7.27
Save up to $15 on select flea & tick products for your dog or cat! Offer valid 6.23 – 7.27
Save up to $5 select Wellness Core dry dog food! Offer valid 6.23 – 7.27
Save up to $7 on New! Instinct® – High protein, grain-free nutrition, inspired by the ancestral raw diet for your Dog or Cat! Offer valid 6.23 – 7.27
Save up to 20% API fish food & water care solutions at PetSmart.com! Offer valid 6.23 – 7.27
Save up to 20% Bayer ExpertCare & Bayer DefenseCare Flea & Tick, Grooming, & Health Care products! Offer valid 6.23 – 7.27
Save up to 25% – Whisker City cat products! Offer valid 6.23 – 7.27
Save up to 25% Exoterra select reptile terrariums & heating bulbs! Offer valid 6.23 – 7.27
Save up to 25% Marineland! Offer valid 6.23 – 7.27
Save up to 30% All summer apparel for your dog! Offer valid 6.23 – 7.27
Save up to $5 on select bags of Nulo Dog & Cat Food! Offer Valid 6.23 – 7.27
Pasadena Shredding Event Keller Williams Real Estate Lake Ave
Saturday 9-1pm E- Waste and Shredding Event! June 28th!
Loading Dock off Hudson
Continental breakfast & Lunch will be served
This is a great service the local businesses in particular real estate offices/brokers have been offering to the local community, it is a great opportunity to meet some of the real estate professionals and dispose properly of electronic waste and shred sensitive paperwork.
Thanks to Keller Williams Pasadena for offering this service!
Pasadena’s biggest block party returns Saturday, July 12. The Pasadena Heritage Colorado Street Bridge Party happens 6-11:30 p.m. Saturday, July 12.
Enjoy live music, dancing, food, vintage cars, kids activities & more at one of the most beautiful bridges in the world.
More event details & ticket info at https://ow.ly/yrzkv.
Plus, save parking & gas money by taking public transit. Catch FREE Pasadena ARTS Route 10 buses every 15 minutes from 5 p.m. to 11:15 p.m.
If you take the Metro Los Angeles Gold Line, you can easily connect to the ARTS bus (see map). Show your Metro Tap Card at the event to receive a free commemorative event poster, while supplies last.
If you missed the last one, you won’t want to miss this!
“Sociable Supper”
Farm-to-Table Dinner
Saturday, July 19, 2014
5 – 8pm
John Muir High School, 1905 Lincoln Ave, Pasadena, CA, US
Come eat a locally grown and harvested, sustainable, plant-based supper, while supporting Muir Ranch’s summer internships!
Purchase tickets online at:
Join us for Supper – $40 per ticket
Featured Speaker:
Megan Hanson – Executive Director of RootDown LA
RootDown LA’s mission is to convince high school kids to eat their veggies and to engage them in educational experiences that empower these kids to build healthier food communities as they cook, grow, and sit down to eat healthy food with their friends, families and neighbors.
Entertainment has just been added to this event, you are in for a special treat.
Announcing our special guest entertainer for the evening of July 19th!
I had the pleasure of discovering the music of Eric Kufs a few years ago while he was playing along the streets of Santa Monica. This Los Angeles based singer/songwriter is one part crooner, one part protest singer and every part artist. Belonging to the generation of independent recording musicians using today’s newest home recording techniques, Eric’s time performing in Southern California began seven years ago in local clubs and venues. With the lyrical poignancy of a Will Oldham, the dynamic voice of a Van Morrison, and the passion of a Bruce Springsteen, his prowess eventually led to performances around the world.
Armed with his guitar and voice, Kufs continues to reach out to his audience through his work whether on a street corner or beneath the stage lights.
He’ll be joining us for one exclusive night at our Muir Ranch “Sociable Supper” to support our summer internships program – Get tickets now: www.muirranchsupper.evenbrite.com – you won’t want to miss this Saturday night with our special guest artist Eric Kufs! www.erickufs.com
Featuring Cuisine by:
Chef Jennie Cook – Founder of Jennie Cook’s Catering
Featuring recipes from Jennie’s Cookbook “Who Wants Seconds?”
Aperitifs (A choice of 3)
Citrus Elixir with Camille’s Elderflower Potion
Iced Minted Elixir
Strawberry Lemonade
catalan gazpacho shooters and chubby croutons
potato tacos with muir ranch chard curtido and cilantro crema
sliced tutti frutti tomatoes with muir ranch basil and onions
green salad with grilled summer fruits
quick pickle cucumbers
baguettes and chèvre with fennel flowers and cilantro blossoms
summer slaw with muir ranch chard and…
ratatouille with Mud’s favorite white squash and ranch leeks
delicious bread and zucchini marmalade and roasted elephant squash
stuffed delicata squash with a classic cornbread stuffing
stone fruit crunch and cream
Your tax deductible dinner ticket purchase helps to support our summer internship program at Muir Ranch. Our goal is to offer fully paid internships to 30 students this Summer. Each student will earn $600 for 8 weeks of work. We’ll need to raise $18,000 to cover the cost of these internships.
Please share this link and help us spread the word.
Your support is greatly appreciated.
Get Tickets Now! www.muirranchsupper.eventb
Get ready as final preparations are being made for the 5th LA Street food festival being held this Saturday June 28, 2014 starting at 4pm.
100+ vendors, beer garden & more!
Last Call for Tix / Download the Map + Guide @lafoodfest #stretchypants
Use code SAVE5 to save $5 off.
For those of you not aware.
Muir High School has a CSA, Muir Ranch CSA.
This is a great resource in our community that many do not know about.
The fruits and vegetables, herbs, and more many grown right at Muir Ranch.
The weekly CSA runs about $20 for a half share, you do have to pick it up at either PUSD on DelMar(Thur) or at the Ranch(Monday).
This week we received, eggplant, squash, basil, tomatoes, peaches, nectarines, plums,
Mud Baron who runs the program is super passionate and knowledgeable. As a bonus, 50% of the money you spend is a tax deduction!
As an extra bonus, your spend puts kids to work, growing flowers and vegetables, herbs, doing events such as weddings, and long table dinners at the ranch, the last dinner was lead by Ann Gentry, owner of Real Food Daily. The next long table dinner is scheduled for July 19, 2014, more details to follow.
Learn more at:
September 16 -18, 2014. The LED Show Conference & Expo is the venue where quality Solid State Lighting and the latest innovative technologies will be showcased.
Due to massive growth in all sectors of Solid State lighting, this is a fascinating time for LED Technology. Analysts confirm that LEDs are seeing the most, vertical momentum in the history of Solid State Lighting. The LED Show 2014 conference was created and designed to help you understand the dynamics of this rapidly shifting and developing market. Topics such as Retrofitting, OLEDs, Quantum Dots, Substrates, Energy efficiency, and Color quality will be addressed and explored.
With more than 30 intense learning sessions provided, this year’s conference will be a comprehensive and in-depth learning opportunity. Hear from our thought leaders, technologists, scientists, and market front-runners with fresh ideas and strategies you will need to succeed in the months to come.
This year, we are expecting record attendance for our conference and exhibits. The new venue at the Los Angeles Convention Center has been host to countless world-class events, now The LED Show will be added to this prestigious list. The LED Show is proud to have been named one of the “Top 25 Fast-Growth” in EXPO Magazine’s annual list.
The LED Show Conference hosts a broad spectrum of presenters discussing the next generation of LED lighting innovations. With the vertical rise of technology, comes the demand for a higher level of SSL education. The LED Show Conference and Exhibits will help you stay ahead of the learning curve. We have selected esteemed industry speakers and the most creative thinkers of our decade to discuss the latest achievements in SSL. LED / OLED technology is ever fast changing and as professionals in this arena, it is our duty to continually network and stay on top of this new technology. The intensive educational sessions will enable you to learn about the latest LED trends and emerging sciences.
- Hear from Industry Experts giving their personal insights on the most significant topics on LED Lighting.
- Receive a comprehensive overview on how to design a complete LED lighting solution package.
- Meet with our Expo Manufacturers who will be presenting the latest, innovative LED fixtures & components.
NGL (Next Generation Luminaires – Pacific Northwest National Lab) will also be announcing the Next Generation Interior Lighting awards at the show.
Experience unlimited networking opportunities by collaborating with top architects, engineers, homebuilders, specifiers, designers, and distributors in the LED business.
We look forward to seeing you at The LED Show 2014, which will be one of this year’s most enlightening and strongest events serving the SSL community. Come join us in this valuable, global networking experience where you can connect with other SSL professional worldwide.