Monthly Archives: November 2007
Nov 30 2007
Urban Network Summit 2008

It’s time to get ready for The Urban Network Summit. Coming in March 26-29 2008 in Newport Beach at The Hyatt Regency.

This is a link to the Sponsor opportunities.

You can learn more about the event by visiting

If you or anyone is interested please contact me.

Nov 30 2007
Error 0x800cccof

Try this if you are getting this error with Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express.

Getting ‘error 0x800CCCOF’. the connection to the server was interrupted?

1. If you are using Firewalls or Norton internet security etc, please disable them and try sending emails.

2. Follow these instructions:
1. At Tools menu, choose Account.
2. Choose Mail.
3. Click double to your Account.
4. Choose Servers.
5. Click My Server Requires Authentication.
6. Choose OK to complete.
Then try sending email.

3. Check this document for more reasons and solutions:

Nov 30 2007
EVS Electric Vehicle Expo this weekend

Electric Vehicle Expo: The Future of Transportation
EVS 23 International Symposium & Expo/Sustainability: The Future of Transportation
The International Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exposition (EVS) series, organized by the World Electric Vehicle Association (WEVA), has long been recognized as the premier event for academic, government and industry professionals involved in electric drive technologies. The EVS series began in 1969 as an academic forum for global networking and the exchange of technical information. As electric drive technologies progressed from the classrooms and laboratories into the marketplace, EVS blossomed into an event that is both academic and business oriented.
Today, the EVS series is recognized as the global electric transportation industry’s premier and largest forum, showcasing all forms of technologies in the market place and on the drawing boards–from low speed battery electric vehicles to fuel cell electric buses. The event attracts academic, government and industry leaders from around the world who are interested in exploring and understanding the technical, policy and market challenges to a paradigm shift toward use of electric transportation technologies.
Who are the exhitors?
? Domestic and international vehicle manufacturers ? Off-road, industrial, heavy-duty and bus manufacturers ? Fuel cell, battery, and drive-train suppliers ? Electricity, hydrogen, and other fuel suppliers ? Automotive, industrial and heavy-duty component suppliers ? Government agencies and laboratories ? Universities with breakthrough technology programs ? Industry, environmental, and consumer associations Date Sun, Dec/02/2007 Time: 11am Location: Anaheim Convention Center Hall A, Ballroom, Room 201-204, 303 800 W. Katella Ave. Anaheim, CA 92803

Cost: FREE and Open to the Public
When: Sunday, December 2, 2007 at 11:00 AM
Where: Anaheim Convention CenterHall A,
Ballroom, Room 201-204, 303
800 W. Katella Ave.Anaheim, CA 92803
Event fee: USD10.00 per person

Nov 30 2007
Rain in LA

So we are getting some rain this morning. Friday November 30, 2007. Around 5am it started drizzling in Pasadena, CA. It is cloudy and overcast at this time. No rain right now. But the streets are wet. More to follow later. This is a good sign for Southern California which is experiencing a severe drought.

Nov 29 2007
Bush and Cheney Joke

Dick Cheney and George W. Bush were having breakfast at the White House.
The attractive waitress asks Cheney what he would like, and he replies,
“I’d like a bowl of oatmeal and some fruit.”
“And what can I get for you, Mr. President?”
George W. replies, with his trademark wink and slight grin, “How about a quickie this morning?”
“Why, Mr. President!” the waitress exclaims. “How rude! You’re starting to act like Mr. Clinton! ”As the waitress storms away, Cheney leans over to Bush and whispers … “It’s pronounced ‘quiche’.”

Nov 29 2007
Solar for Townhomes

Tonight I am going to our homeowner meeting. I am bringing up the topic of solar systems for townhomes.

So I’ll be doing research on this topic and posting updates. Stay tuned on my project.

Nov 29 2007
Goji Berries healthy benefits and sources

Today I want to write about goji berries and the health benefits.

Goji berries
– Contain extreme levels of antioxidants. “It is quite possibly the highest antioxidant on earth.”
– Contain Vitamin B1, B2, B6, and Vitamin E(rare in fruits).
– Contain more Vitamin C by weight than oranges.
– 13% protein
– Has been believed the Goju berries many be good for the treatment of eye problems, skin rashes, psoriasis, allergies, insomnia, chronic liver disease, diabetes, and tuberculosis.
– Also may be a good for the treatment of kidney and liver problems.
– Maye help LOWER cholesterol!

There are several brands and varieties you can buy. I sell some from Organic Nectars, which are one of the best around.
Himalania brand is pretty good too.

More to follow on this topic.

Nov 29 2007
Inconsiderate Drivers Continued

Today I was driving down the 210 Freeway in Pasadena and this is what I experienced.

I want to report the driver in vehicle # 407591 from Access Paratransit.

At approx 7pm on 11/28/07 near the offramp of Hill off the 210 Freeway, this driver was weaving in and out of traffic and driving down in the breakdown lane.

Our roads are dangerous enough without having this type conduct from an agency which is supposed to use extreme care when driving.

Nov 28 2007
Pasadena Ford and Ford Motors at the LA Auto Show

Pasadena, CA
Date: 11/28/07
By: Victor Caballero

I have to say I am very disturbed by my experience with Ford and their dealers.

I stopped by the LA Auto Show booth for Ford and signed up for take a test drive and get a $75.

So since Saturday when I went I have received no fewer than 50 calls!!! Either from an unknown number or from 888 520 7225, which is not answered and has a recording that is not affiliated with any dealer.
This morning I decided enough was enough, so I answered the call.

I asked them for the number to the dealer and that I would call when I was ready to take the test drive and to please remove my number from their database. They give me the number to the Ford dealer. 626.793.3154.

A few minutes later I get a call from what appears to be the Ford dealer in Pasadena, Pasadena Ford from an unkown number. Get a clue people, stop calling from unknown numbers unless you have something to hide or you are trying to protect your identity. I typically will not answer calls from Private Caller or Unknown, usually a solicitor of some sort, or sales people.

Anyway the person on the other end was rude, asked me to hold while she listens to her voice mail, WTF. You call me, I’m busy and you ask me to hold! What nerve. Anyway I tell her, I justed talked to someone at some other place and they gave me a number to call and I told her I would call the number when I was ready or I would just stop by. She emphasized that the Ford Escape is hot and selling for sticker price, ok, whatever and then proceeds to give me a different number, 626.993.3600.

Couple things, FORD, get this right, your cars are crap. I already have a Ford Taurus and the trany is giving out at 50k miles….. what a joke! Your dealers are a bunch of idiots for allowing people like this to handle calls to potential customers. The rear window doesn’t work, it just stopped working. The car is less than 3 years old and has been in the shop numerous times. I will never buy an american car, at least not FORD.

Will I come to take the test drive for the $75, most likely, but you bet I will report my experience, good or bad. Because the story continues.

Ford and Pasadena Ford, need to take a lead from other auto manafacturers. You guys are desparate, who wants to buy cars that use so much fuel and get such poor gas mileage. Plus the cars are so poorly made.

If you have something to add to your experience with Ford let me know.

Nov 23 2007
Black Friday Shopping Experience

Today Nov 23, I got up around 6:30, thinking of not going to do any shopping, because I know how bad the crowds can be. And was I right.

Here’s how it went.

I showed up to Fry’s in Burbank around 7am, two hours after they opened at 5am. There was a line around the outside of the building of people just waiting to get in the store! After about 20min of waiting in the line I got in.

I spent maybe 30-45 minutes getting around and picking up some items. Then the most shocking part of the trip……the line to get out! One line, ran completely around the inside of the store, be the cafe, through the appliances around the software, through the bags, unreal… it felt like I was in the twighlight zone.

That lasted around 2.5 hours. Then I got to the checkout, and the guy seemed a little slow, actually very slow and he ended up charging me twice for an item. Then he had to go and get a credit, this whole checkout process while at the register lasted at least an hour! So 5.5 hours later I am out of Fry’s in Burbank… What nice weather outside. Why would anyone want to spend such a nice day inside a store waiting in a line? Well you can save a few bucks, but is that really worth it? I wanted a camera, which they didn’t have, there was items left scattered throughout the store in the line where people had abandoned the march to the checkout. So I picked up a few things.

Some advice, bring a buddy, you go through the store and pickup stuff and the other person stands in line. This could save you at least 45 minutes if the line was as bad as it was this morning.

The other thing you can do is pays someone to stand in line….or just buy the item from someone else.

Anyway, I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and holiday.

I’ll report on the various items I purchased in a future post.

Best wishes,

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