Feb 2 2009
Super Bowl 2009 interrupted by porn Tucson Arizona



This person setup this domain just for the incident that took place.

Update 2/2/09 – The bandwidth has gone through the roof, I can’t believe how many hits the site has received. In order to subsidize the hosting costs I may sell some ad space . If you’re interesting in purchasing send me an e-mail and I’ll share prices, traffic data, etc. info@comcastsuperbowlporn.com


I created this page to share with the world an experience that I had during the 2009 NFL Super Bowl. The video below is a video I took of my TV while watching the Super Bowl.

So, my family and I are huddled in the living room……watching the hometown Cardinals <I’m in Tucson> fight there way back at the end of the the game. It’s 2nd and 10, 2:48 seconds left in the 4th quarter……ball get’s hiked to Warner, he drops back and connects with Fizgerald for the go ahead Touch Down pass. Our family screamed and cheered with excitement……then the unthinkable happened…

Our TV reception went bad and went blank………then all of a sudden we see a woman putting with her hands down some guys pants……..and she whips his ‘thing’ out….. All right on public television.

I apologize it’s not better quality, I had to film my TV with my camcorder as I can’t transfer it directly to my computer. Also sorry for the ‘recording’ box; I was trying to record it so I could get this site up. If someone has a better quality video please e-mail it to info@comcastsuperbowlporn.com.

Did this happen to anyone outside the Tucson area?

To finish the story: I called Comcast, sat on hold for well over 30 minutes, and got credited for 1 day of service. The poor customer service rep was very apologetic……..I felt bad for him. He tells me: “We have all hands on deck” to which I responded, “She had all hands on d**k!” LOL.

Links to news about this:





BTW, I don’t condone this one bit! I’ve had to field questions from my kids!

You can see the video in a couple different places:


Technorati Tags: comcast, comcast super bowl porn, comcast tucson, Comcast Tucson Super Bowl Porn, nfl, porn, super bowl porn

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