I am 100% in support of tenant rights, but having an organization that penalizes property owners and does little if any to look out for the best interest of property owners and their sustainability is extremely short sighted and selfish. Without property owner rights, that protect owners from vindictive and dishonest tenants and those trying to scam, there will be less and less properties available in the rental market.
To go even a step further the fact that the Pasadena Rental Housing Board imposes a fee on property owners which is the primary source of funding is just another reason the department needs a review. Perhaps with many of the changes in government organizations that bleed money like PHRB, will be eliminated.
The budget of PHRB is approx $6million.
The registry that was created and then a ridiculous less than three months deadline for property owners landlords to register and pay a fee and share information with the board, that is even more of a violation of privacy.
A hack of the system would in fact leak a lot of personal information, the fact that they would even know if the information was leaked is even more concerning. An outside form was consulted to draft documents and later was fired, basically the city paid a large sum to get nothing. Now PHRB has a staff of people who barely answer emails.
Helen Morales who is the head of the PHRB when directly emailed will answer some emails and not others.
Obviously this lack of consistency and not responding is infuriating to anyone looking for a straight answer.
In some of the webinars/training sessions, there are many unanswered questions and lead to frustration from all parties.
The end result is that have PHRB has not improved the rental climate in Pasadena. And has created yet another layer of bureaucratic red tape that sticks its hand in the pocket of hard working people.
City Council should ask the difficult questions of the PRHB and when those questions go unanswered start the process to dismantle it and replace with a body that represents property owners and tenants equally.
The Pasadena Rent Stabilization Department’s 2025 annual training sessions will cover topics such as habitability, rent adjustments, petitions, and evictions. The sessions will be held at 199 N. Los Robles, First Floor.
- February 11, 2025: Habitability and rent adjustment
- March 11, 2025: Petitions and hearings
- April 8, 2025: Eviction protections and relocation
The training sessions are designed to educate both tenants and landlords about local rental laws and recent changes to rent increase limits and registration requirements.
- Rent increase limits: The maximum rent increase for existing tenancies from October 1, 2024 to September 30, 2025 is 3%.
- No-banking policy: Landlords cannot save unused rent increases to apply in future years.
- Eligibility: Not all rental units are subject to the 3% cap.
- Petition process: The department has a new platform with guidelines, forms, and instructions to help users complete petitions.
The Department has also released its schedule of Annual Trainings. The trainings will
be conducted at the Department’s offices at 199 S. Los Robles, First Floor, every 2nd
Tuesday of the month from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Date Topic Title Topic Descripon
February 11, 2025 Habitability-Downward
Adjustment of Rent
Habitability problems, and what to do
when they arise or cannot be resolved
including the Tenant Peon for
Downward Adjustment of Rent
March 11, 2025 Peons & Hearings Understand the processes to formally
request a rent adjustment. (Units
subject to Rent Control only.)
April 8, 2025 Just Cause Protecons/Buyout
Agreements/Ellis Act/Relocaon
Understand the evicon process and
your legal responsibilies. Learn about
when relocaon benefits are required,
what acon is required, and the
amounts of relocaon.
May 13, 2025 Rent Roll-Back/Rent Increases Lean how the “Base Rent” was
established and whether a rent “roll
back” is required. Learn about annual
rent adjustments and other
requirements for units subject to Rent
June 10, 2025 RSO Overview Obtain an Overview of all
requirements under the Charter
July 8, 2025 Security Deposit Learn about security deposits under
state law, and security deposit interest
requirements under the Pasadena Fair
and Equitable Housing Charter
August 12, 2025 Annual Rental Registraon Learn about the annual rental
registraon process and be ready to
register your properes by October
31, 2025.
September 9, 2025 RSO Overview Obtain an Overview of all
requirements under the Charter