Monthly Archives: September 2024
Sep 30 2024
Cheese Fest sampling event and sale at all Gelson’s locations from October 4th to October 6th, 2024

Cheese Fest Sample Event and Sale: Buy $30 or More in Specialty Cheese and Save $10 – October 4-6, 2024 – IN-STORE ONLY

Gelson's cheese fest sample and sales event

Attention all cheese lovers! Join us for our Cheese Fest sampling event and sale at all Gelson’s locations from  October 4th  to  October 6th2024.  From 1 pm to 5 pm daily, you can indulge in a wide variety of California’s finest cheeses. Whether you have a penchant for sharp cheddar, creamy bries, or tangy blues, an exciting array of flavors awaits you at this cheese extravaganza. To join our sampling event, visit the cheese island at your local Gelson’s and ask our cheese experts for details.

In addition to the sampling experience, we have an incredible specialty cheese sale!  Buy $30 or more in specialty cheese and save $10 ! This promotion applies to any cheese variety, allowing guests to mix and match to their heart’s content.

This event promises a delectable celebration of all things cheese, so mark your calendar and bring your appetite. Whether you’re a seasoned cheese connoisseur or appreciate the finer things in life, Gelson’s Cheese Fest is an event not to be missed.

Cheese Fest sampling event and sale at all Gelson’s locations from  October 4th  to  October 6th2024


Sep 29 2024
Tesla Full Self Driving(Supervised) Upgrade and Subscription Confusion

Many owners who purchased a Tesla Model 3 in 2018 don’t have HW3 which is currently required for FSD. But not only that even if you upgrade to HW3 you may not be able to subscribe to FSD. Which is what I was told several times, and other times that Autopilot was required as a purchased.
So while subscribing to FSD was my desire, without Autopilot at the cost of $3,000 you are not able to subscribe to the $99 monthly option.
Why would Tesla require Autopilot since it is just a software update? And not add that in either as part of the FSD or for a slight extra?
To make matters worse, there are many who have reported that they had been able to get the HW2.5 to HW3 upgrade done at no cost. This is a $1,100 upgrade.
Would Tesla have upgraded my HW2.5 to HW3 if I had purchased Autopilot for $3,000?
I asked repeatedly if once I upgraded top HW3 if I would be able to subscribe to FSD, and the answer was yes.
There is certainly confusion from Tesla support agents as well. One call this past week, advised me to wait until my “free” trial of FSD ended and then the FSD subscription option would appear. That made no sense.
So why the different answers?
Is Tesla not able to consolidate their options based on your vehicle configuration?
If FSD is in trial now, then why not allow the FSD subscription after it ends and work an option for Autopilot.
The argument that these options add value to the vehicle after the vehicle is worth about 25% of what we originally paid for it, is not a good one, as spending the $1,100 for the HW3 and being asked to spend another $3,000 is like adding salt to the wound.
I enjoy having a Tesla, regardless of all the issues, but Tesla needs to do better for its customers. Especially long time customers.

Sep 24 2024
Newly discovered COVID strain XEC

Newly discovered COVID strain XEC has been found in over two dozen countries, including the United States. As of Sept. 21, three of the reported cases in America were in California

Sep 24 2024
Pasadena Police Department to Purchase Watch Tower for $400,507

It is recommended that the City Council:
1. Find that the action proposed herein is covered by the common sense exemption
set forth in State CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) that CEQA only applies
to projects that may have a significant effect on the environment; and
2. Authorize the City Manager to enter into a purchase order contract with
Reconview LLC, as the lowest and best bidder, in response to specifications
fora mobile observation tower in an amount not-to-exceed $400,507, which
includes a base contract amount of $385,507 and a contingency of $15,000 to
provide for any necessary change orders.
The Pasadena Police Department (PPD) is tasked with preventing and investigating
criminal activity throughout Pasadena. The proposed mobile observation tower is a
significant step towards enhancing these tasks, providing a powerful tool for crime
prevention and investigation.
The mobile observation tower offers distinct advantages:
• An elevated viewpoint.
High-definition cameras with 40x zoom capabilities.
National Institute of Justice (NIJ) level IV ballistic protection for the officer(8)
MEETING OF _09/23/2024_ AGENDA ITEM NO. 10
Mobile Observation Tower
September 23, 2024
Page 2 of 4
The mobile observation tower offers an elevated position of up to 30′. This viewpoint
significantly expands the line of sight for officers and cameras. This is a crucial
advantage in locations such as the Rose Bowl, where there are long stretches of land to
cover and numerous obstacles, including EZ-ups, that block an officer’s view on foot.
The mobile observation tower does not have gun ports and cannot be used as a sniper
position or to fire or launch any type of weapon.
The mobile observation tower’s primary use will be at the Rose Bowl. The Rose Bowl
hosts numerous events every year, up to 25 of which are categorized as “displacement
events.” These displacement events attract tens of thousands of spectators and require
a significant police presence.
In addition to the increased number of displacement events, attendance at UCLA
football games is expected to grow since the program joined the Big 10 conference. The
mobile observation tower, placed in one of the exterior tailgating and fanfest lots, will
significantly augment the Police Department’s ability to observe the crowds, direct
officer response to incidents, and provide video evidence of any event that occurs.
Additionally, the mobile observation tower is equipped with police lights and a public
address system; this allows it to serve as a landmark or rally point in case of emergency
or if a fan needs police assistance.
Similarly, the mobile observation tower will be a significant asset when the Rose Bowl
hosts the men’s and women’s soccer semi-finals and finals during the 2028 Summer
Olympic Games.
In April 2024, Pasadena Police representatives met with Rose Bowl CEO/General
Manager Jens Weiden and Assistant General Manager Derek Doolittle to discuss the
best way to deploy the observation tower and how to effectively use the tower to
supplement the Rose Bowl’s existing security camera coverage. Both the Rose Bowl
and the Police Department are confident the observation tower will be a significant
asset at the Rose Bowl.
The tower offers the added benefit of NIJ level IV ballistic protection. The NIJ is the
research, development and evaluation agency of the US Department of Justice and sets
the national standards for ballistic protection. The NIJ provides five armor protection
level classifications: IIA, II, IIIA, III and IV. Level IV is the top and the only level that
consistently stops rifle fire. This ensures that the officer(8) in the tower are adequately
protected against attack, especially since they are in a static position and unable to
escape should an attack occur.
Due to the significant benefits they provide, observation towers have grown in popularity
among law enforcement agencies. There are estimated to be approximately 200 law
enforcement agencies throughout the country using observation towers, including LA
Metro, San Diego County Sheriff’s Department, San Diego Police Department, El Cajon
Police Department and the Escondido Police Department.
Mobile Observation Tower
September 23, 2024
Page 3 of 4
Following City purchasing guidelines, a Notice Inviting Bids for the purchase of a
ballistic observation tower with four 1080p HDTV Axis cameras (including wireless
connectivity via LTE and a Genetec DVR/server), public address system, LED
spotlights, police strobe light and solar panel kit were advertised in local media outlets
and posted on Open GOV procurement. The bid was downloaded by fifteen vendors,
resulting in two submitted bids, as shown below. There are no vendors located in
Pasadena that provide this equipment.
Reconview LLC (Charlotte, NC)
Safeware, Inc. (Lanham, MD)
Safeware, Inc. submitted a bid but acknowledged their observation tower does not offer
ballistic protection.
The bid by Reconview LLC was responsive to the specifications and required
accessories and was determined to be the lowest responsive submission. Reconview
LLC is a reputable vendor in the security industry with experience serving the law
enforcement, government, and military markets. Reconview LLC has had no prior
contracts with the City of Pasadena. Staff recommends the Council award Reconview
LLC the purchase order contract to build the mobile observation tower.
By providing the Pasadena Police Department with upgraded equipment and
technology to perform its function, the proposed purchase furthers the City Council’s
strategic planning goal of ensuring public safety.
The action proposed herein has been determined to be exempt from the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section
15061(b)(3), the “Common Sense” exemption that CEQA applies only to projects which
have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. Where it can be
seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a
significant effect on the environment, the activity is not subject to CEQA. Such is the
case with the proposed contract authorization for the purchase and use of the mobile
observation tower.
Mobile Observation Tower
September 23, 2024
Page 4 of 4
The cost of this action is $400,507. Funding for this action will be addressed by utilizing
existing budgeted appropriations of $213,042 in the Homeland Security Grant Fund
(230). The remaining $187,465 will be addressed by utilizing existing budgeted
appropriations in the General Fund (101). It is anticipated that all funds will be spent
during the current fiscal year with no indirect or support cost requirements.
Respectfully submitted,
Chief of Police
Pasadena Police Department
Prepared by:
^.^ t^
TimothTy-BlUndy ^)
Police Lieutenant
Approved by:
City Manager

Sep 23 2024
Repair Cafe: Pasadena Side Streets Projects Fee Skillshares October 5, 2024

Repair Café

Saturday, October 5, 2024

UPDATED DATE: Join us at Side Street Projects for another exciting Repair Cafe this fall! Artist-in-residence, Ginko Lee, will teach a screenprinting skillshare.

Bring your old or new T-shirt or tote to add custom graphics. The screen printing station will feature repair-theme graphics and the Repair Cafe logo.

Need a T-shirt or tote to spare? On the day of, you can pick one up onsite at Repair Cafe’s Free Market.

Supplies are available on a first-come, first-served basis, so arrive early to ensure you don’t miss out!

This event is FREE and open to all ages. People of all art skills are welcome. Registration is not required.

Saturday, October 5th

10 am – 1 pm

@ Side Street Projects HQ

Canada Ave., Pasadena, CA, 91103

Watch our wayfinding video for directions.

This project is made possible with the support of The Cultural Affairs Division of the City of Pasadena and the Arts and Culture Commission.

(note: we may stop taking repairs earlier to allow time for fixers to finish fixing)

Side Street Project

John Muir Campus

Canada Ave

(between W. Mountain St. and Casitas Ave)

Repair Cafe is a fully volunteer-run organization. Check out this page for more info about volunteering with us.

Sep 21 2024
YITAHOME Discount Furniture and Greenhouses

YITAHOME”, a furniture brand that specializes in creating sleek and contemporary pieces for modern homes. From minimalist sofas to statement-making coffee tables, YITAHOME’s designs are known for their clean lines and understated elegance. The brand’s commitment to quality and affordability has made it a favorite among young professionals and design enthusiasts alike. With a focus on simplicity and functionality, YITAHOME is set to become the go-to brand for anyone looking to create a stylish, modern home.

Best Seller


Create the ideal environment for your plants with our durable and efficient greenhouse structures.

Greenhouses Up To 80% Off

6 x 16 ft Lockable Polycarbonate Panel Greenhouse Kit with Sliding Door for $389.99 by applying code GH8687 at checkout.

Sep 3 2024
Fireworks in Pasadena Continue Months after the 4th of July Holiday

Labor day September 2, 2024 and illegal fireworks continue to be set off in Pasadena. In the face of officials claiming a reduction from previous years.

The fact that fireworks are continuing months after the 4th holiday where many will attest was one of the worse in terms of illegal fireworks for the City of Pasadena.

Enforcement efforts have pretty much failed to stop the culprits, and those setting them off are mocking PPD’s little to no enforcement.

If people call in to the non-emergency line to report fireworks, the first thing they as is do you see who is setting them off? Do you know who is setting them off?

Usually the answer is NO.  But PPD has tools to triangulate the location of gun shots, so they should be able to do the same for fireworks.  Although there is confusion about the system’s capabilities the city continues to spend hundreds of thousands in it’s use. And when the question comes up of how PPD can improve efforts to stop fireworks use, there is little if anything that comes about.

Meanwhile other cities are implement drones and serious enforcement efforts.

The complete and utter embarrassment of fireworks being set off in the stands of the Rose Bowl  on the 4th speaks volumes on how little and the lack of how seriousness the city is taking ongoing fireworks use in the city.

These are the members of RBOC who are all aware of the incident that transpired in and around the Rose Bowl on July 4, 2024 and still proceeded to approve more soccer and fireworks on the 4th  of July in future years. The event was a catastrophe from so many perspectives, but that should not surprise anyone.  They are interested mostly in selling tickets, who cares about safety and what people do in and around the Rose Bowl…