Monthly Archives: March 2011
Mar 31 2011
1 & 1 Internet Web Hosting and Domain Sales

1&1 has both Windows and Linux shared hosting and dedicated hosting solutions available for your site’s visitors.

1&1 you are getting over 15 yrs industry experience and a global community of over 7 million people. 1&1 combines the web’s most affordable hosting prices with friendly service to create an unmatched value.

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Become Successful with 1&1 Web Hosting

1&1 consistently ranks as one of the fastest growing, most reliable hosting companies in the world. Join now and start earning today!

Mar 31 2011
Grab your free Beats by Dr Dre headphones!

Grab your free Beats by Dr Dre headphones!

Complete the program requirements and receive a pair of Beats by Dr. Dre Headphones

Mar 31 2011
GoDaddy CEO Bob Parsons Shooting Elephants? @godaddy


twitter is buzzing as well as the internet after a video showing GoDaddy CEO Bob Parsons shooting elephants.

This could be classified as one of the most recent stories where a CEO has stepped into the spotlight for doing something controversial. It appears that the fallout could be very damaging as many users/customers are claiming they will not renew and will move to another company to register domains.

This is social media effecting change. We are waiting for a response from Bob Parsons, perhaps there is another side to the story. Why would Bob even engage in this sort of activity is puzzling.

For those looking to transfer away from GoDaddy, there are options. One that is jumping on this story and making a donation to save the elephants.

Transfer to Namecheap today. Coupon code BYEBYEGD: Save the Elephants! $4.99 transfer + $1 goes to charity.
Namecheap is a Domain Registrar and Web Host. We Thrive on Making Customers Happy. Click here to get started on

extended the promotion to 4/1/11 at 11:59pm EST. 🙂

Mar 31 2011
Adam Chu to Open BigShrimps Fish Grill in Monrovia April 17, 2011

Adam Chu to Open BigShrimps Fish Grill in Monrovia April 17, 2011

Adam was featured in the Pasadena Star News as he prepares to open his restaurant in Monrovia, CA.
The location will be at 123 E. Colorado Blvd.
It is a new location, rebuilt from the ground up as a dream for Adam.

They are now hiring: call 626-359-8982.
The sign on the side of the building shows Coming Soon Shrimps – Hiring 626-359-8982

Mar 31 2011
Make the Switch to E-Cigarette: Free Trial Offers & More!

Electronic cigarettes are now becoming smokers’ new best friend.  With no tar, no smoke, no ash, no carbon monoxide, and no smell, e-cigs deliver the nicotine you crave for without the other dangerous elements found in traditional tobacco cigarettes.

If you’re looking for free trial offers, money-back guarantees, and other promos from e-cigs, look no further because this review will show you where to score these electronic cigarettes.

V2 Electronic Cigarettes

V2 Cigs electronic cigarettes - best ecigs worldwide

V2 e-cigs uses a unique water vapor delivery system that gives you the same sensation of smoking without the dangerous chemicals you get from traditional tobacco products. The company offers 30-day Money Back Guarantee so you’ve got nothing to lose. Get your Starter Kit today!

Direct E-Cig

Direct E-Cig is using a revolutionary smoking device that is exclusively designed to look like the real thing.  You can smoke virtually anywhere with this e-cig without worrying about any health risks. For as low as $9.95 with Free Shipping and Handling you can start your journey to healthy smoking today!




Blu E-Cigarette

Blu E-Cigarette is receiving rave reviews from switching smokers. Why? Aside from the bold new flavors they offer, you will get the ultra sexy design Blu E-Cigarette is known for. The best thing about this e-cig is that the company offers 30-day Money Back Guarantee, Free Shipping, and One Year Warranty! If that’s not the best deal you’ll get from using an e-cig, then I don’t know what is.

So go ahead, make the switch and start living a smoker’s life that is healthier, more pleasant, and sexier! Make the switch to e-cigarettes today and have the freedom to smoke anywhere you want!

Mar 31 2011
Lending Club-Peer to peer lending – borrowing – @lendingclub

Lending club is a well known community that deals with financial activities like bringing investors and borrowers together at one platform so that they may earn benefits mutually and financially. Smarter and faster methods of investment and borrowing are offered at Lending club which doesn’t bother you regarding high cost or bank lending complexity.

If you go to get a loan from Bank than stay ready to bear a lot of fee and documentation that is time consuming as well as costly. Therefore to avoid this botheration, you can go for the option of Peer to Peer Lending. Lower rates of interest makes this option quite attractive business activity.

Peer lending is that financial option that is turning lots of borrowers towards it along with many investors who want to keep some decent rates of returns. This methodology is not newer; however its interest rates have played a vital role in increased usage of Peer Lending.

Chief Executive of Lending Club Mr. Renaud Laplance observed larger investors taking interest to invest via Lending club into small enterprises that lets them much cash to get loans. In 2010, there was a huge increase in average investment that started from $1,800 in month of March and ended up at $8,700 by the end of December. Recently loans crossed $200 Millions that was a double amount than it was just 8 to 9 months before. Now, Lending Club has owed average investments of around $15,000 per year.

Chief Executive of Lending Club Mr. Renaud Laplance says:

“The No. 1 reason why borrowers choose Lending Club as opposed to a bank is lower interest rates. We are a peer-to-peer lending network and therefore create a more efficient way of getting funding to borrowers, whether small businesses or individuals”

How It Works
Applicants fill out an online application and are told immediately whether they passed the initial screening. If they pass, they are given loan options and their confidential request is posted to the website for two weeks or until the loan is fully funded.

Online applications are filled by the applicants and then they are intimated instantly if they are eligible after passing the initial screening tests. If they are through than they are provided with the options of loans. The whole process is very simple as Lending Club doesn’t underwrite the business going on instead it goes for the option of underwriting the owner of business. Loans are provided based on his credit history or financial situation. This kind of loans is automated just like they way one gets personal loan or credit card from some bank.

Origination fees are between 2 percent and 5 percent of the loan amount. Lending club costs about 2 to 5% origination fee of the loan. About 11% interest rates for 3 years loans, 14% for 5 years loan are charged at Lending Club, which is about 16 to 24% at banks.

Lending Club Statistics:

  • Loans funded to date: $244,921,475
  • Loans funded last month: $14,601,275
  • Interest paid to investors since inception: $19,616,829

To explore more you can visit Lending Club



Mar 31 2011
Astoria Bicentennial Celebration – Saturday, May 21, 2011


The Astoria Bicentennial Celebration kicks off on Saturday, May 21, 2011, with a Heritage Festival.  Join the adventure and be part of making history.  As a participant you will be sharing an important part of America’s heritage – past and present.

We’re seeking vendors who can share their heritage through their dress, food, traditional art, crafts, or entertainment.  We are seeking vendors who can help make this a memorable experience so encourage creative booth displays and culturally significant products.  Click HERE for the application or email for more information.

Registrations for the 2011 Young Entrepreneur’s Club are now being accepted! Click here for the brochure or email your name and mailing address to have a copy sent to your home.


Mar 31 2011
Yamaha opens Music School in Diamond Bar

Diamond Bar Yamaha Music School held their grand opening at its new location

20657 Golden Springs Drive, Suite 212 in Diamond Bar

The new space features three large Yamaha Group classrooms, five private classrooms, and employee lounge, larger reception waiting area, and recital stage.
Diamond Bar
Diamond Bar Yamaha Music School
20657 Golden Springs Dr,
Unit 212
(909) 595-9020

Other locations:

Mar 31 2011
Carl’s Jr Turkey Burger – New

Now there’s a good idea to come from Carl’s Jr. – a turkey burger.

Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s will be the first fast-food chain restaurants to offer turkey burgers, according to a recent press release. The charbroiled turkey burgers will have less than 500 calories each and will come in a variety of options.

Learn more about the Turkey Burger:

Mar 31 2011
Google Search +1 Enhanced Search? How about a -1?

Google is rolling out +1, as part of an effort to continue to enhance search results.

You can opt in before it is available to all at

What are the thoughts so far on +1, well my first reaction is how about adding -1.

But like facebook’s like feature, there is no dislike, perhaps this is something that is coming, but I believe that users would be as inclined to use a dislike  or -1 as much as they use a +1 or like function.


Here’s some info from the Google website:

Use +1 to give something your public stamp of approval, so friends, contacts, and others can find the best stuff when they search. Get recommendations for the things that interest you, right when you want them, in your search results.

To participate in this experiment:

  1. Make sure you’re signed into your Google Account (required)
  2. Click ‘Join this experiment’
  3. Search for something you love on
  4. Click the new +1 button, and make your mark on the web

Your +1’s are public. They can appear in Google search results, on ads, and sites across the web. You’ll always be able to see your own +1’s in a new tab on your Google Profile, and if you want, you can share this tab with the world.

Please note, it may take a while before you see the button in search results, and it may occasionally disappear as we make improvements. Your feedback will help us make it better!

Learn more about +1


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