Monthly Archives: October 2007
Oct 25 2007
Celebrity Chef Tour

Last night (October 24, 2007) we attened the Celebrity Chef Tour at Twist in Hollywood.
We where treated to a fabulous evening of dishes with wine pairings.

Celebrity Chef Tour HOLLYWOOD, CA
Host ChefElie Chow Twist Restaurant and Bar at Renaissance Hollywood HotelHollywood, CA

Celebrity Chef Gavin Kaysen (was not there, we where treated by Chris from )
El Bizcocho at the Rancho Bernardo Inn San Diego

Wednesday, October 24, 7:00 pm
Members and general public $150 plus tax
Event Location: Twist Restaurant and Bar at Renaissance Hollywood Hotel
1755 North Highland Avenue Hollywood, CA
For reservations or more information, please call 720.201.1853.
Sponsored By:
More information about the Celebrity Chef Tour is available at

Oct 24 2007
Lauritsen Memorial Lecture: "Facing Hard Truths about Energy"

Lauritsen Memorial Lecture: “Facing Hard Truths about Energy”Date: Tuesday October 23, 2007 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM Location: Beckman Auditorium – Find on Campus Map
Modern energy, consisting of petroleum products, natural gas and electricity, has underpinned the remarkable transition the world has enjoyed from a rural-based economic system to the globalized society we now enjoy. Throughout the 20th century, abundant supplies of modern energy at remarkably low prices, other than an occasional spike, created a false sense that we could live on cheap and abundant energy virtually forever.
The long era of cheap and plentiful energy is about over. The supply of oil (and probably natural gas) is now peaking and will soon likely begin to ebb. Unfortunately, the advent of this peaking comes as a large part of the world, including China, India and many other rapidly developing countries’ thirst for energy is growing by leaps and bounds.
Mr. Simmons will address why he thinks the world’s supply of oil and gas is now peaking, will lay out some stark choices the world faces as we are forced to wean ourselves from a genuine addiction to using fossil fuel energy, and will explain why far higher energy prices are a blessing, not a curse.
He will discuss the pending race between technology advances and decline rates from mature oil and gas fields and the struggle to fight rust in the very old infrastructure that allows 85 million barrels a day of oil and about 50 million barrels of oil equivalent natural gas to be used.
Matthew R. Simmons, chairman and CEO of Simmons & Company International, is one of the world’s leading experts on the topic of peak oil. Simmons was motivated by the 1973 energy crisis to create an investment banking firm focused on the oil service industry.
Simmons is an advisor to the Oil Depletion Analysis Centre, a member of the National Petroleum Council and the Council on Foreign Relations, and served as energy adviser to President George W. Bush. He is the author of the book Twilight in the Desert: The Coming Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy.
The Lauritsen Memorial Lecture commemorates two former professors of physics at Caltech: Charles C. Lauritsen and Thomas Lauritsen. Together they served the Institute for more than 68 years, and their commitment to excellence played a significant role in Caltech’s development and accomplishments.
Presented By:
Caltech’s Division of Physics, Math, & Astronomy
For further information: contact Caltech Ticket Office phone: (626) 395-4652 For the full scoop, see our event web page:
Sponsored by: Caltech Public Events

Oct 22 2007
Southern California Fires

The fires that started this weekend are still burning in the several areas around Southern California. Winds and the dry weather combined with dry brush have created volatile conditions for these fires.

Areas affected range from Malibu, Saugus, San Diego-Potrero(Mexico border), Irvine, Tustin, and several other areas. Castaic, Agua Dulce, Devore, San Bernardino(Lake Arrowhead – the newest fire as of Monday AM), Orange, Fontana,

Malibu appears to have sustained the most damage with several homes lost and has been burning the longest. Since Saturday.

Firefighting crews are working deligently to protect homes.

News from Orange Country fire says that it was arson caused, started in three different locations. I’m sure the investigation is well underway to catch the person(s) responsible.

Several roads are closed. Check with your local traffic reports.

Seven Counties have declared state of emergency, by Governer Schwartzneger.

More to follow… Stay tuned.

Posted by: Victor Caballero
Posted on: Oct 22, 2007

Oct 18 2007
Caltech Enterprise Forum: Content is King

This past weekend I attended the Caltech/MIT Enterprise forum in Pasadena.

Here’s the release about the forum.

“Content is King”
Matching Entertainment Technologies with Artistic Content

Saturday, October 13, 2007

at the California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, California
Registration and Continental Breakfast:
8:00 a.m. Baxter Hall
Program: 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at Baxter Lecture Hall
Networking: 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Baxter Lecture Hall
Cost: $40 ($10 for students with full-time student ID; free to Caltech students)

With the explosion of technological developments of the last decades, many new technologies have vied for positions in the entertainment industry. Whether the entertainment technologies are blockbusters like videotapes or DVDs or “merely” software platforms, history has taught us that the technology that wins the business competition is not always the highest performing or even least expensive technology. Rather, it is usually the technology that is coupled to the most compelling entertainment or artistic content that grabs hold and survives in the marketplace.

The October 13, 2007 session of the Caltech/MIT Enterprise Forum will explore the process by which technology entrepreneurs can match up their inventions with artistic talent in order to reach the marketplace. Doing so successfully requires a knowledge of the relevant entertainment industry, its structure, and its distribution channels, as well an understanding of how to meld the culture of the technologist with that of the artist. Our panel of speakers for this session will include individuals who have “been there, done that,” including one Oscar® winner. They will bring to us their insights as to the critical elements for success and the means by which the technology entrepreneur can put those elements together.


Keith Boesky
Boesky & Co.
Specialist in IP for the video-gaming industry
Head, video game department
International Creative Managemen

David Codiga
Executive Vice President
Universal Studios Recreation Group
Executive Vice President

Gary Demos
Former Technical Officer
Innovator in digital image creation for motion pictures
and three-time Academy Award winner

Alan Cole-Ford
Managing Partner
Stone Drum Capital
Executive Vice President
VP Video Division,
Paramount, and
Vice President
Gulf+ Western, Paramount

Larry Gerbrandt
Media Analyst
General Manager
Nielsen Analytics
Chief Content Officer
Kagan World Media

John Whitney Jr.
Digital Productions, Inc.


Ira Moskatel
Arnold & Porter

Saturday morning, October 13, 2007

Registration and Continental Breakfast:
8:00 a.m. at Baxter Hall, Caltech
9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at Baxter Lecture Hall
11:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon at Baxter Hall, Caltech

$40 ($10 for students with full-time student ID; free to Caltech students).
Registrations are taken on-line up to 12:00 noon the day prior to the event.
There are no refunds for no-shows.

Oct 15 2007
IE Toolbars Disappear

I recently reset IE7 to defaults and my toolbars disappeared and in the View menu Toolbars they are greyed. After some hunting around I found the solution. I thought I would share this with everyone here.

Open Internet Explorer,

Click on tools and then Manage Manage Add Ons > Enable or Disable Add Ons,

Click on the add on you want to enable then click on enable.

Close All Internet Explorer Windows,

Then Re-Open Internet Explorer,

They Should Be Working Now…

Oct 15 2007
Blog Action Day The Environment

This blog post is being done to show support for the Blog Action coalition.

How can we make a difference and save environment.

I have always been a firm believer of alternative energy sources. Solar, hydrogen, wind, hybrid vehicles, electric vehicles, etc.
Solar power is making great strides with improved conversion from light to energy with photovoltaic adancements.

Another area that is quickly gaining interest is algae and its use as fast producing source of oil.

I am looking for new opportunities in alternative energy sources. Either to write about or to be involved in.

Please feel free to write to me or post a comment here.

Oct 15 2007
Blog Action Day

Bloggers Unite - Blog Action Day
On October 15th, bloggers around the web will unite to put a single important issue on everyone’s mind – the environment. Every blogger will post about the environment in their own way and relating to their own topic. Our aim is to get everyone talking towards a better future.
Blog Action Day is about MASS participation. That means we need you! Here are 3 ways to participate:
Post on your blog relating to the environment on Blog Action Day
Donate your day’s earnings to an environmental charity
Promote Blog Action Day around the web

Oct 9 2007
official IRS Pencil Sharpner

Check out the official IRS Pencil Sharpner…

No, its true. It’s being sold in the I.R.S. Employee store…