Monthly Archives: July 2009
Jul 31 2009
House Votes to Give $2 Billion More to ‘Cash for Clunkers’

House Votes to Give $2 Billion More to ‘Cash for Clunkers’
Week-old government program to encourage car sales had proven so popular with consumers that it was almost out of cash. The House bill would redirect funds in the already-passed economic stimulus package that were intended for energy loan guarantees.

Jul 31 2009
Rewiring Genesis at Hothouse Studios

Hothouse Rehearsal Studios would like to thank Rewiring Genesis for spending the last two days rehearsing for what is sure to be a awesome show at CalProg in Whittier.

The show is August 1, 2009.

More information below:

August 1, 2009 in Whittier, California

With Special Guests: Spock’s Beard

Tribute to the Lamb Lies Down on Broadway

NDV and Rewiring partner Mark Hornsby co-produced the album using some of the best studio musicians in Nashville. Most of the original band will be performing at the show in Whittier.
For those of you that were lucky enough to attend Nick’s Shaming of the True show, you know what the man can do when he goes after a big production. This promises to be one of those landmark events that will only happen once, but will be the subject of discussions for years to come. If you’re a fan of Genesis (and what prog fan ISN’T?), you’ll want to see this show!

NDV Website

CD Available at ProgRock Records
and all places CDs are sold

This is going to be an incredibly fun evening. With a 14 piece band of bass, drums, guitar, keys, vocals, and a phat horn section that will rip your head off with proggy goodness. We did a show with some of these same players in Nashville not too long ago. That was a great night also but it was in a very small club and we couldn’t perform all the material. However, on August 1st we will be performing the CD in its entirety! The band will be:

Me, NDV on Lead Vocals
Dave Martin on Bass
Rick Musallam on Guitar
Jimmy Keegan on Drums
Kevin Krohn on Keys
Matt Brown on Keys
Ed Goldfarb on Piano
John Hinchey on Trombone
Mark Visher on Sax/Flute
Willie Murillo on Trumpet
Charlie Peterson on Baritone Sax
Leigh Levine on Clarinet
Randy Leago on Sax/Accordion
Kat Bowser and Carolyn Martin on BGVs

The night’s festivities will also be filmed and recorded, so come and be a part of the fun.

Speaking of fun, after all of The Lamb festivities are over, my mates from Spock’s Beard will be joining me us on stage for some more proggy goodness! And, if all goes well, the phat horn section might show up for a Spock’s tune or two. Whoo-hooo! (I have no idea on what yet but we’ll think of something)

Hope to see you there!


Rewiring Genisis show
17 members
Been rehearsing for 2 days at Hothouse Rehearsal Studios


Center Stage Theater

Doors: 7:30  Show: 8:30
No Alcohol / All Ages Welcome
There is no opening act


(Includes Available Seats)

Hothouse Studios is proud to have served Rewiring Genesis and the staff looks forward to have the back soon! Don’t miss the show!

Rewiring Genesis

Hothouse Studios

Jul 31 2009
iPhone SMS Hack Patch Available

Apple has responded to the iPhone SMS hack by releasing a patch which addresses the vulnerability.

More details on the hack:

More details on the Apple iPhone SMS Hack Patch:
How to patch your Apple iPhone:

1. Launch Apple iTunes on Windows or Mac, make sure you are running the latest version.
2. Connect your iPhone. Wait for it to sync or cancel by sliding the bar on the iPhone.
3. Select your iPhone by clicking on it under Devices.
4. Click the Check for Update button.
5. You’ll get a popup that asks if you want to install iPhone software version (3.0.1). Click Download and Install.
6. Click Next and then Agree on the software license agreement popup.
7. It will take a few minutes to download the software, backup the iPhone and install the update. During the process, the iPhone will reboot a couple of times, so don’t be alarmed with activity on the iPhone. Once it is finished, the status bar of iTunes will read that the iPhone sync is complete.

There is an imminent update iPhone OS 3.1 coming, so keep on the lookout.

Dev Team is in Vegas for devcon right so they are busy. Saurik has confirmed this in main screen of Cydia. He also notes that he is working on special project that will simplify upgrading jailbroke phones.

The iPhone DevTeam just got their google voice number and made it public for anybody to use it. You can call them at (347) DEV-TEAM or (347) 338-8326.

Number was made it public on twitter a couple of minutes ago by iPhoneDev , a member of the iPhone DevTeam.
About the security content of iPhone OS 3.0.1
Last Modified: July 31, 2009
Article: HT3754
This document describes the security content of iPhone OS 3.0.1.

For the protection of our customers, Apple does not disclose, discuss, or confirm security issues until a full investigation has occurred and any necessary patches or releases are available. To learn more about Apple Product Security, see the Apple Product Security website.

For information about the Apple Product Security PGP Key, see “How to use the Apple Product Security PGP Key.”

Where possible, CVE IDs are used to reference the vulnerabilities for further information.

To learn about other Security Updates, see “Apple Security Updates.”

Products Affected
iPhone, Product Security
iPhone OS 3.0.1

CVE-ID: CVE-2009-2204

Available for: iPhone OS 1.0 through iPhone OS 3.0

Impact: Receiving a maliciously crafted SMS message may lead to an unexpected service interruption or arbitrary code execution

Description: A memory corruption issue exists in the decoding of SMS messages. Receiving a maliciously crafted SMS message may lead to an unexpected service interruption or arbitrary code execution. This update addresses the issue through improved error handling. Credit to Charlie Miller of Independent Security Evaluators, and Collin Mulliner of Fraunhofer SIT for reporting this issue.

The 3.01 patch is 297.9MB.

Jul 31 2009
Jossy Farms

This is the final email from this email list. If you would like to
continue to receive crop updates from our more secure email list sign up
at Thank you to those of you that have already sign up on
the new email list.
Peach season has begun! We are now picking Red Haven and Flaming
Fury peaches. The price for U-pick is 80 cents per pound, the same as last
year. We have a very large crop of peaches this year.
The Vivid peach will be ripe in approximately 7 days. Following that will
be the Gravenstein apples, about 10 days from now. We anticipate that we
will start picking the Veteran peach around Aug. 15th and the Bartlett
pears should be ready about the 20th of Aug. We should have Peaches,
Apples and Pears at least until the first of Sept. this year.
We also have available already picked blueberries and new this year we
have peach, apple, oak and cherry wood for use in a smoker or BBQ.
As always, these dates are estimates. Please check the recorded message at
503-647-5234 the evening before or the morning of the day you plan on
coming to the farm to check fruit availability and open hours. We are
located 1/8 mile south of the Sunset highway and ¼ mile west on Beach Rd.
Our address is 31965 NW Beach Rd. Hillsboro, 97124
We look forward to seeing you soon!

Jossy Farms

Jul 31 2009
Welcome to MonaVie

Dear MonaVie Distributor,

On behalf of our entire corporate staff and growing family of MonaVie distributors around the world, welcome to the MonaVie family! Whether your decision to join us was based on a desire to improve your health or create a profitable home-based business, or both, I congratulate you for making a wise decision.

The most important asset of this company is not found in a building or even in a proprietary formula. Rather, it’s the hearts and minds of people who are willing to share our unique products and rewarding opportunity with others. For this, I thank you.

MonaVie leverages today’s most effective form of distribution—relationship marketing. With this person-to-person approach, you’ll be able to share the benefits of the MonaVie independent opportunity with others and be rewarded for doing so, based on your sales and the product sales of those in the organization you helped create. As a valued member of the MonaVie team, please familiarize yourself with the policies and procedures, making special note of those policies that pertain to mass retail sales mediums, including Internet auction sites such as eBay; catalogs; flea markets; and television. (Internet retail sales may be made only on MonaVie approved websites.) Please remember these policies are in place to protect your MonaVie business.

This is such an exciting time to be a part of MonaVie. The Beverage and Functional Food category is the fastest growing segment in nutrition today, and within this category, MonaVie offers the most complete and balanced product. Each of MonaVie’s health-minded products feature an exclusive blend of the Brazilian acai berry—one of nature’s top superfoods—and 18 other body-beneficial fruits.

Thousands have already experienced better physical and financial health through MonaVie. Now we look forward to working together with you to continue sharing its benefits; together, we’ll change the world for the better, one person at a time.

To help you get started, please click here to download MonaVie’s online Virtual Distributor Kit.

Carpe diem,

Dallin A. Larsen
Founder and President, MonaVie


1. Read through the virtual Distributor Kit and watch the videos.
2. Study the compensation plan (available on
3. Read the policies and procedures.
4. Visit and learn about the product, the company, and the management.
5. Visit and see how MonaVie is on the move with weekly announcements.
6. Sign up for AutoShip to maximize your MonaVie business.
7. ITS—Invite, Taste, and Share MonaVie. Set up a tasting party in your home for others to experience the product and learn about the MonaVie opportunity.
8. Participate in MonaVie’s monthly conference calls. (For details, visit
9. Counsel with your sponsor or active upline.
10. Set a goal to achieve the rank of Star and become a Star Maker within your first 30 days.

If you have additional questions about getting started with MonaVie, contact your upline executive or call Distributor support at 1-866-217-8455.

Estimado Distribuidor de MonaVie:

En nombre de todo el personal de la empresa y la familia de Distribuidores de MonaVie de todo el mundo, le extendemos la más cordial bienvenida. Ya sea que su decisión de unirse a nosotros sea con el fin de contribuir a su bienestar o de establecer un negocio lucrativo en su hogar, o ambas cosas, lo felicito por tomar una decisión inteligente.

El bien más importante que posee nuestra compañía no es un edificio, ni tampoco una fórmula patentada. Más bien, es el corazón y la mente de las personas que están dispuestas a compartir con los demás nuestros exclusivos productos y la gratificante oportunidad que ofrecemos. Por esto, le doy las gracias.

MonaVie saca partido de la forma de distribución más eficaz de la actualidad: la mercadotecnia basada en las relaciones personales. Con este método de persona a persona, usted podrá compartir los beneficios de la oportunidad de MonaVie con los demás y, a cambio, ser gratificado según sus compras y las compras de productos que hagan los que pertenezcan a la organización que ayude a crear. En calidad de integrante del equipo de MonaVie, le rogamos tenga a bien familiarizarse con las políticas y los procedimientos que seguimos, y que ponga atención especial en lo que respecta a los medios de ventas al menudeo a nivel masivo, incluso sitios de subastas en Internet como eBay, catálogos, mercados y televisión. (Las ventas al menudeo por Internet se pueden hacer solamente en los sitios aprobados por MonaVie). Tenga en cuenta que las políticas existen con el fin de proteger su negocio en MonaVie.

Esta época es perfecta para ser parte de MonaVie. El rubro de bebidas y alimentos energizantes es el de mayor crecimiento en la actualidad, y dentro del cual MonaVie ofrece el producto más completo y balanceado. Cada uno de los saludables productos de MonaVie ofrece una exclusiva mezcla del açai brasileño, uno de los superalimentos de la naturaleza, y de otras 18 frutas que benefician al cuerpo.

Miles de personas ya gozan del bienestar físico y económico que ofrece MonaVie. Nos complace saber que trabajaremos con usted a fin de seguir compartiendo los beneficios; juntos podemos cambiar al mundo para bien, una persona a la vez.

Para ayudarle a comenzar, haga clic aquí para descargar el Kit virtual de Distribuidor de MonaVie.

Carpe diem,

Dallin A. Larsen
Fundador y Presidente de MonaVie


1. Lea el Kit virtual de Distribuidor y vea los videos.
2. Estudie el Plan de compensación (disponible en
3. Lea las políticas y los procedimientos.
4. Visite y obtenga información sobre el producto, la compañía y la administración.
5. Visite y entérese de las actividades que realiza MonaVie mediante los anuncios semanales.
6. Inscríbase en el programa de Autoenvío y eleve al máximo su negocio de MonaVie.
7. Beba, Sienta y Comparta MonaVie. Organice una reunión de degustación en su hogar para que otras personas prueben el producto y se enteren de la oportunidad que ofrece MonaVie.
8. Participe en las teleconferencias mensuales de MonaVie. (Para más detalles, visite
9. Hable con su patrocinador o con su línea ascendente activa.
10. Póngase la meta de alcanzar la categoría de Star y hágase Star Maker dentro de sus primeros 30 días.

Si tiene preguntas adicionales sobre cómo comenzar en MonaVie, comuníquese con el Distribuidor de su línea ascendente o llame al servicio de Apoyo al Distribuidor al 001 866 984-8398 (sin costo).

Jul 31 2009
Twiistup 6 Over

Twiistup 6 has come and gone. Congrats to the team for putting it together.

I’m sure there will be lots of ideas that come from this event to make it even better next time around.

Thanks to the Central Desktop folks for sponsoring the photo booth by “polite in public” . Probably not my best picture, but hey, it’s a shot.

Polite in Public

Jul 31 2009
BlueHost Hosting Service Failure

Update: Over 24 hours down and site is still not up.

It has become a recurring theme with BlueHost hosting service issues.

Once again, one of the sites I host with BlueHost is down and has been down since 4pm yesterday.

This is my chat with Bluehost:
: I believe it is file system corruption, but I am not sure
[12:16:26 PM]: there is a file tree rebuild no in process
John [12:14:42 PM]: Just this one server–it is having a serious issue, but we’re doing our very best to restore it
You can submit your feedback to us at so that we can review your comments. I can understand, however.
Now over 12 hours later and the problem still persist.

No warning that maintenance was going to be run, just take down the sites.
This is another example of how BlueHost is mismanaging growth and not responding to problems.

Several hundred accounts are being affected. Apparently the file system.

Write to if you feel the same way I do.
Matt Heaton / President


Once again I find myself writing to you and your company about a failure to provide nominal service.

I am now posting on my blog my experiences and you have lost me as a customer, not only for failing to respond to my previous correspondence but what is clearly growth mismanagement.

Having a customer site going down for over an hour is one thing, having it go down for days is another thing altogether. This is not the early days of web hosting, reliability is expected as a basic requirement when purchasing hosting.

Corrective action is imperative on your part to repair this problem as it only appears to be getting worse.


Email from Michael on Feedback.


My domain is Would love to figure out exactly
what is going on, because this is totally unacceptable. Remember
customers have options. My site is STILL DOWN.

I’ve provided my number below.

Also, I called billing to see about receiving some sort of credit and
was apalled a the response, basically did I read the TOS and the
service is provided as is. No credits are issued. WOW. that is not the
way to do business with a any customer.


Email back:
I apologize you didn’t get the reply you wanted Victor. Matt is the CEO of a very fast growing company and is very busy dealing with the different aspects and developing groundbreaking features which he details on his blog. I haven’t exchanged more than 10 words with him myself for a few months now. I’m not aware of any servers going down for days, usually they’re back up in a matter of minutes. If you’ll send me your domain name we’ll be able to look into the issue and have a more informed conversation. We appreciate you letting us know how you feel.

Michael Stevens
Morning Tech Manager
1958 Kuhni Road
Provo, Ut 84606

Next response:
Unfortunately you’re on that server which is going through a file system check. It’s taken much longer than we would have liked, probably due to an errant customer having millions of log files on his account that he doesn’t even know about. It became necessary to run it to ensure file integrity. When it’s done running the check the server will be back up just like it as. These instances are extremely rare but have become necessary from time to time.
For compensation, in the past we’ve given a free month for downtime, but it turns out that breaks our billing system and causes our CEO to be very angry. What I can do is actually a little better for you. I can leave a note on your account that we’ll make your next hosting renewal a dollar cheaper per month, which would be 12 bucks off if you renewed for a year. You’d need to call us at least 16 days before the renewal take place and ask us to look for the note made today July 31st, and then ask to be renewed at the lesser rated we promised. We automatically renew our customers at 15 days before it’s canceled unless they ask us not to, to ensure their domains and websites are safe.

My Response:
Look I appreciate your response and what you are saying does nothing for me. I could care less what it does to your billing and what makes your CEO angry I could care even less. Your CEO posts on his blog to send him email and he doesn’t even respond!

Who reads his email?

You guys have really pissed me off the way you have handled the situation and this should be consider a major failure in customer service.

I have asked repeatedly that I be moved to a more stable server, and I have no idea if that has happened or not. It is unfortunate that BlueHost is following the path that some other hosting companies have followed, in really forgetting that the customer is #1.

I do not want to renew and have no interest. I asked for a simple credit and that was apprently too much to ask!

I will begin my migration away from your servers asap.


response from Mike:
If you had a company with hundreds of thousands of customers, would you be able to respond to everyone who sends you mail? Don’t take it so personally. I’m happy to ask the admins to migrate you once the server comes backup, but honestly there is no better chance you’ll have a better experience on another box, probably less of a chance since this one just went through a file system check and likely will not need one again for many months or years if ever. If your account is migrated you’d be looking at additional downtime because of transfer time and dns propagation.

my response:
If I could not respond as CEO I would make sure each email received a
response somehow, someway, you know why…. because those are the
people I have to thank for getting me to where I am!

The fact that someone took the time to write an email should be
enough, I don’t care if you have 1 million customers!

The fact remains that Bluehost has not handled this and other
situations effectively, there is a major flaw not only on the tech
side but also from a customer service standpoint.

I have hosted with numerous hosting companies. It’s all about managed
growth and paying attention to the customer.

Just do a search on twitter and google for Bluehost horror stories. I
am not the only person having problem on a repeated basis. Seems
like some re-grouping is in order.


He does have a ticket system as well as this feedback email. I suspect he does at least read them all as I’ve received responses. If you search on the web, you’ll find a plethora of praise and otherwise about any big company. The ones that have a poor experience will tend to be more vocal about it. Our growth is a testament to our repeat loyal customers. I look forward to being mentioned on your blog again. Cheers.

My Response:
So I have no resolution my site is still down. Go figure.

How long will it be before the site is back up?

Jul 31 2009
Black Delta Tonight at Orange County Flyer’s Game

Hothouse Studios in Santa Fe Springs is pleased to bring Black Delta to perform at tonight’s OC Flyer’s game.

Thousands of fans come to watch the Orange County Flyers represent Orange County as their only Minor League Team.

Goodwin Field at California State University, Fullerton. Fullerton, CA, USA
View Larger Map

Tonight’s Game is Beach Theme

Friday, July 31, 2009 7:05pm PM
St. George RoadRunners vs Orange County Flyers
Promo: Friday, July 31, 2009 Fireworks Fridays & American Cancer Society/Relay for Life

Buy Tickets Here

Black Delta goes live at 6pm.
Game starts at 7pm.
Location: Cal State Fullerton
Fullerton, CA

Hothouse Rehearsal studios is pleased to work with the OC Flyers to provide talented musicians like the Black Delta Boys.

Ryan Stokes: Lead Singer/Rhythm Guitar
Christopher Diaz-Infante: Lead Guitar
Nicholas Dinucci: Bass
Gabriel Garnica: Drums

Look for more Hothouse Studios bands to perform at upcoming games.
Hothouse Rehearsal Studios

Jul 31 2009
How to avoid the “500 worst passwords of all time”

How to avoid the “500 worst passwords of all time”
By John Dodge
Read here

Topping the list:
1. 123456
2. password

Jul 31 2009
Tomato Festival

Dear Friends,

In this era of jet-fresh vegetables – when your dinner may have more frequent flier miles than you do – there are precious few reminders of seasonality. The tomato is one of them. An out-of-season tomato simply isn’t as good as a sun-soaked summer beauty, and we all know it. Heirloom tomatoes are the best of the best. These varieties, passed down through the generations because of their great taste, are what we wait for every summer.

During the month of August, the height of the season, our restaurants will feature tomatoes all over the menu. Items like Sliced HeirloomTomatoes with Grilled Tomato Vinaigrette, Goat Cheese Fritters and Pickled Corn; Fried Green Tomatoes with Fresh Mozzarella and Spicy Crab Rémoulade and Country Tomato Soup with Parmesan-Caper Crostin.

Our tomatoes come from local farms with names as colorful as the tomatoes themselves: Full Belly, Ella Bella and Mariquita, to name a few. Be sure to visit your favorite restaurants this month and celebrate the freshest and best of this season.

Participating Restaurants
The Tavern at Lark Creek®
234 Magnolia Avenue, Larkspur, CA 94939
(415) 924-7766
Fax: (415) 924-7117
Banquet: (415) 924-1602

One Market® Restaurant
1 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94105
(415) 777-5577
Fax: (415) 777-3366
Banquet: (415) 777-2233

Lark Creek® Walnut Creek
1360 Locust Street, Walnut Creek, CA 94596
(925) 256-1234
Fax: (925) 256-1811
Banquet: (925) 256-0287

Westfield San Francisco Centre
845 Market Street, Fourth Floor
San Francisco, CA 94103
(415) 593-4100
Fax: (415) 593-4101
Banquet: (415) 593-7100

Parcel 104®
At The Santa Clara Marriott
2700 Mission College Blvd., Santa Clara, CA 95054
(408) 970-6104
Fax: (408) 970-6109
Banquet: (408) 986-6662

Yankee Pier®
286 Magnolia Avenue, Larkspur, CA 94939
(415) 924-7676
(415) 924-7676
Fax: (415) 924-7117
Banquet: (415) 924-1602

Yankee Pier®
378 Santana Row, Suite 1100, San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 244-1244
Fax: (408) 244-1844

Yankee Pier®
United Domestic Terminal, San Francisco International Airport
(650) 821-8938
Fax: (650) 821-8941

Yankee Pier®
3593 Mount Diablo Boulevard
Lafayette, CA 94596
Fax : 925-283-4101

Bradley OgdenTM
At Caesars Palace
3570 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Las Vegas, NV 89109
(702) 731-7410
Fax: (702) 697-5761

Visit us at
For more information click here.

Join us for a great tomato dish anytime during the month of August. We look forward to seeing you soon.

Lark Creek Restaurant Group

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