Jan 2 2009
Horrible AT&T SBC Global Yahoo DSL Support Experience

Having some serious problems tonight with AT&T DSL service.

At around 9pm I tried to connect to the internet and found there was no internet. My router was stuck trying to obtain an IP from AT&T and not having any success.

The first time I called I got someone in India for support, which can be a challenge just with the language accents. The support rep disconnected my call and then tried to call me back. After speaking with the rep I asked to speak with someone in the US. They said I would have to call back that they could not transfer me.
So I called back and was able to reach some who at least I could understand. This support rep was also difficult to deal with anxious to blame my setup for the problem.
Now after being on the line.

Apparently there is a problem with the line in my area. My phone works but my DSL does not.


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