Feb 6 2009
Your chance to win 2 tickets on Gary Vaynerchuk’s Thunder Cruise

You received this e-mail because you subscribe to “The Juice, ” the free,
weekly e-mail newsletter and event calendar published by

The latest “grapes” giveaway contest from LocalWineEvents.com is now
underway. (See below for “How To Enter”). If you enter, you can win a trip
for two on Gary Vaynerchuk’s Thunder Cruise, a one-week floating wine
festival through the Caribbean. The cruise host is Gary Vaynerchuk, star of
Wine Library TV, a video blog: https://tv.winelibrary.com/.

– Departing from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, on Saturday, April 18, 2009;
return on Saturday, April 25.
– Prize is for one standard interior state room. (option to upgrade
– Prize value: $899 per person, double occupancy; Total value: $1,798.
– Taxes, fees and additional expenses are not included as part of the
– Transportation to/from Ft. Lauderdale is not included as part of the
– For additional information about the wine cruise, including “terms and
conditions” for passengers, please visit the Gary Vaynerchuk Thunder Cruise
website: https://garyvthundercruise.com.

– The cruise begins on Saturday, April 18. This contest will end one month
earlier — on Wednesday, March 18 at Noon, Eastern Time.
– The winner will be notified by e-mail with instructions on how to collect
the prize.
– Disclaimer: LocalWineEvents.com received pair of tickets for this cruise
in exchange for letting you know about it.

– Please read the contest rules carefully. Clicking the link below does NOT
automatically enter you in the contest.

LocalWineEvents.com is running this contest because we’d like you to help
us spread the word about our unique website. The prize is our way of saying

For this contest, you have been assigned this code number: 165363-46 and
this link: https://www.localwineevents.com/be_notified.php?ref=165363-46.
You are the ONLY person who has this specific code number and link for this

Using the code number –or– the link, we ask that you recommend our free
newsletter (“The Juice”) to people who are not already receiving it. They
can be family, friends, co-workers, clients, colleagues, customers —
anyone you know. For every person who signs up for “The Juice” using your
code –or– your link, you collect one “grape” (one point).

When you contact someone to recommend “The Juice,” you can use whichever
referral method you prefer — the code or the link. It’s your choice:

– If you give someone your code, they should enter the number
(165363-46) at the bottom of our “Juice” signup page:

– Or, if you send someone your link
(https://www.localwineevents.com/be_notified.php?ref=165363-46), your
specific code number appears automatically on our “Juice” signup page.

Each of your referrals who signs up for “The Juice” will receive an e-mail
from LocalWineEvents.com with a confirmation link. You will not be entered
in the contest until we receive a confirmation reply from your referral.

The contest winner will be chosen at random from the list of people who
have collected at least one valid “grape” (point). This gives everyone who
enters the contest a chance of winning, but every additional “grape”
(point) you collect increases your odds of being the randomly-selected

– Anyone who attempts to sign up the same person multiple times using
multiple e-mail addresses will be disqualified.
– Grapes (points) collected during this contest will not be counted for
future LocalWineEvents.com contests.
– Use your LocalWineEvents.com account to track your referrals and “grape”
count. Just login (https://www.localwineevents.com/login.php), go to “My
Account,” and click on “Grapes.”

– “The Juice” is an event notification newsletter published by
– “The Juice” is sent by e-mail every week. It’s free.
– There are over 490 localized editions of “The Juice,” covering the world.
– Each edition of “The Juice” lists upcoming food, wine, beer and spirits
events for a specific city or region in the world.
– You can subscribe to as many editions of “The Juice” as you wish.
– Each edition of “The Juice” is sent as a separate e-mail.
– The e-mail addresses we receive from subscribers will not be shared.
– To repeat, “The Juice” is sent at no charge.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Wednesday, March 18, 2009 (at Noon, Eastern Time)

– If you have any comments or questions about this contest, please contact

– If you have any questions or comments about Gary Vaynerchuk’s Thunder
Cruise itself, please go here: https://garyvthundercruise.com.

Thank you everyone — consumers and event organizers — for supporting
LocalWineEvents.com. Our free, post-it-yourself service is the world’s
largest calendar for food, wine, beer and spirits events. Even if you don’t
want to enter this contest, we hope that you will tell others about our
industry-praised website. But why not enter? You could be our next lucky

Good luck,

Eric V. Orange (EVO)
Founder and Developer
World’s Largest Calendar of Food and Drink Events Food – Wine – Beer –

P.S. If you have winery contacts, they will be interested in our newest
website, WineLabelWorld.com: https://www.winelabelworld.com/

. With the help
of wineries from around the world we are building a searchable online
library of wine labels. The idea is to help consumers who’ve had a
memorable wine, but can’t remember the name. Seeing the label on
WineLabelWorld.com should refresh their memory.

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