Nov 10 2012
Water at Restaurants Filtered Makes Food Taste Better

Lately I have begun to really notice the water that is served at restaurants. Most of the water served taste like unfiltered tap water.
But there are places that take extra steps to ensure that the water being served is filtered or treated. Real Food Daily in Pasadena is one of my recent favorites with the water making the food taste good. The last thing you want is to eat a very healthy meal and drink chlorine treated water. It just doesn’t taste good at all.

Last night we want to dinner at Pepe’s in Montrose and that water taste pretty bad, you could actually smell the chlorine before you started to drink it. Which is not unusual with unfiltered water.

You have to think that some of this chlorinated water is also being used in the kitchen and ends up in the food being prepared. So some of that taste is affecting the food being served.

I will add to this posting on good and bad table water experiences at upcoming restaurant visits.

Restaurants take pride in serving good water should be recognized for taking the extra steps and making the investment.

Thanks Real Food Daily for being the first on my good water report!

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