Sep 17 2008
Virident at AlwaysOn Raj Parekh

They talk about reducing power consumption my 75% 2x consolidation, uses existing hardware.

Raj Parekh

Here’s some info on the company.

About Us

Virident was founded in 2006 by notable Silicon Valley veterans from Sun, SGI, Google and Intel and is well-funded to address the challenges of scale, power and performance associated with data intensive internet data centers.

Through a unique and compelling series of innovations, Virident is developing core technology platforms that will deliver energy efficiency, improved server utilization, and service continuity to companies seeking to meet the performance, scale and energy demands of the green data center.

According to the Gartner Group, energy costs could soon consume as much as half of an organization’s IT budget. Growth in systems is driven by the explosion of data on the internet. The size of data stores is estimated to be quadrupling every 18 months on major internet sites and the number of queries per terabyte is doubling every 18 months. In response, companies are building and growing data centers faster than ever before, driving up infrastructure and energy costs, and resulting in an energy crisis in the data center.

Until today, green and growth have been polar opposites, working against each other. With Virident, the greening of the data-center is compatible with the demands of Internet-Scale. The bottom line is that green technology will save the internet data-center, and today Virident is making that vision a reality.

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