Dec 25 2008
Twones – Social Music Feed beta

Twones – Social Music Feed beta

Currently in private beta, TechCrunch readers enter the code “tc_inv08? here can register an get in on the private beta.

Take a look at this video:

Twones Video Demo from Twones on Vimeo.

Client Contact

Tim Heineke, co-founder of Twones
Vijzelstraat 68-78, suite 2.21, 1017 HL
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
m: +31 (0)6 xxxxxxxx
skype: timmyksadam

Amsterdam, The Netherlands, December 10th, 2008.

Dutch startup Twones is going into private beta today. The Amsterdam based company connects fans, bands and music services by tracking the music and sites they enjoy. Twones tracks more than twenty services from MySpace to Last.FM to Hypemachine. Twones is a new way to store, organize, ?nd & share music, both online and of?ine. Twones gathers your real-time music activity stream, lets your share it in real time with your buddies and store it like you own it.

Twones wants to make playing music on the web more organized, easy and enjoyable. “Let real people, relevant to you, collectively ?lter and recommend music and music services”, says Tim Heineke, with Diederik Martens and Johannes La Poutre founder of Twones. “Our goal is letting users find great music and sites and services through relevant people on cool music sites. We work together with the other services, we don’t compete.”

Twones received seed funding from a group of European Live Nation informals, the world’s largest concert and music promoter. Twones went in private beta today with only few limited invites in preparation for the official release in the months to come.

Twones went in private beta today with only few limited invites in preparation for the official release in the months to come.

More about online at

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About Twones
Twones is a music service and a new way to store, organize, find & share music played all over the web (i.e. YouTube, Myspace,, Hypemachine, Favtape and many more) or on your computer (i.e. iTunes) to one single point of access. Twones ties all music together and let’s you share your taste with others in its most direct way.

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Dec 9 2008
Twones – Social Music Feed beta

Twones – Social Music Feed beta

Currently in private beta, TechCrunch readers enter the code “tc_inv08? here can register an get in on the private beta.

Take a look at this video:

Twones Video Demo from Twones on Vimeo.

Client Contact

Tim Heineke, co-founder of Twones
Vijzelstraat 68-78, suite 2.21, 1017 HL
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
m: +31 (0)6 19212072
skype: timmyksadam

Amsterdam, The Netherlands,  December 10th, 2008.

Dutch startup Twones is going into private beta today. The Amsterdam based company connects fans, bands and music services by tracking the music and sites they enjoy. Twones tracks more than twenty services from MySpace to Last.FM to Hypemachine. Twones is a new way to store, organize, ?nd & share music, both online and of?ine. Twones gathers your real-time music activity stream, lets your share it in real time with your buddies and store it like you own it.

Twones wants to make playing music on the web more organized, easy and enjoyable. “Let real people, relevant to you, collectively ?lter and recommend music and music services”,  says Tim Heineke, with Diederik Martens and Johannes La Poutre founder of Twones. “Our goal is letting users find great music and sites and services through relevant people on cool music sites. We work together with the other services, we don’t compete.”

Twones received seed funding from a group of European Live Nation informals, the world’s largest concert and music promoter. Twones went in private beta today with only few limited invites in preparation for the official release in the months to come.

Twones went in private beta today with only few limited invites in preparation for the official release in the months to come.

More about online at

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About Twones
Twones is a music service and a new way to store, organize, find & share music played all over the web (i.e. YouTube, Myspace,, Hypemachine, Favtape and many more) or on your computer (i.e. iTunes) to one single point of access. Twones ties all music together and let’s you share your taste with others in its most direct way.

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