Tag Archives: Orange County California
Top 5% Realtors in the United States Fast Expert @fastexpert

FastExpert.com has been growing at astonishing rate. All they do is match home buyers/sellers to Top Realtors in their area. Client loves them because make the process of matching them up with a top realtor quick, easy and a fun process. Le’s work together. FastExpert,…

Seal Beach, CA E-Cigarette Vendor Moratorium 45 Day Ban

Seal Beach, CA E-Cigarette Vendor Moratorium 45 Day Ban Introduced in 2003 in China, kids using them. This is a precautionary move by the city of Seal Beach, CA. Are people really using then? There are so many types, that there could be some that…

Raw, Organic, Cold Pressed Juices Orange County Living Juice

Love your body, love your Juice. Your Orange County source for RAW, ORGANIC, COLD PRESSED juice, delivered to your door. Living Juice stands apart. Because we’re passionate about the details. Our meticulously designed RAW, ORGANIC, COLD PRESSED, unpasteurized juices combine over 30 ingredients to deliver…

Los Angeles Metro Express Lanes – Will it Work?

Highest toll $15.40 one way Toll Lane Violation: $341 $3 monthly maintenance fee kicks in next year. Transponder can be purchased at Costco, Albertson, it is required. .25 and $1.40 per mile!  For $11 miles. Toll is higher when traffic is heavy. FasTrak – how…
