Oct 16 2011
Sunday October 16 Declared “Steve Jobs Day” #stevejobsday

Sunday October 16 Declared “Steve Jobs Day”

California Governor Jerry Brown announced through a proclamation Friday that Sunday, Oct. 16 will be “Steve Jobs Day” statewide, and will coincide with a private memorial planned.

The first event, an invitation-only gathering for, “prominent Silicon Valley executives,” reports The New York Times’ Nick Wingfield, will take place on the official Steve Jobs Day – this Sunday – at an undisclosed location at Stanford University. The second event, a larger memorial service to be held outdoors on Apple’s campus, is scheduled to start at 10 a.m. (PST) this Wednesday.



We join with the rest of the world in saying goodbye to an amazing innovator.

We launched this project on September 23, 2011 as a thank you to a man whose work has impacted so many lives. In light of his passing, we hope that Steve Jobs Day will be celebrated as a tribute to his life and the legacy he leaves behind.

Donate to cancer research in his memory.

We admire his work. We’ve embraced his vision. And we love what he’s brought to the world. Let’s take a day to honor the man himself and say thank you. Everyone around the world is invited to participate —in real life, in real-time and on stevejobsday2011.com.

How you can join in:

– Tweet (#stevejobsday) or post a Facebook status update about how Steve and his work at Apple have affected your life.
– Favorite products
– First Apple product you used/owned
– Why you love his work
– How he’s inspired you

– Wear a black turtleneck to work. To school. Anywhere and everywhere.
(You can even go full Steve and wear blue jeans and tennis shoes.)
– Take a photo of yourself in your black turtleneck and post it to Facebook, Twitter or your photo sharing platform of choice.
– Update your Facebook and Twitter profile photo with you as Steve

To help experience the event, we’ll keep a running tab of everything that’s being said, shown and posted.

Disclaimer: This is purely a tribute. Neither Steve Jobs nor anyone at Apple is in any way involved nor should be construed as having authorized this.

Brought to you by fans of Steve Jobs at Studiocom

Contact info: stevejobsday@gmail.com.

Fans and employees looking to deliver well-wishes or digital tributes to Jobs have been encouraged to send them over to the rememberingsteve@apple.com email address that Apple established.

Jobs was buried last Friday at Alta Mesa Memorial Park in Palo Alto, California, having passed away two days earlier at the age of 56.

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