Oct 22 2007
Southern California Fires

The fires that started this weekend are still burning in the several areas around Southern California. Winds and the dry weather combined with dry brush have created volatile conditions for these fires.

Areas affected range from Malibu, Saugus, San Diego-Potrero(Mexico border), Irvine, Tustin, and several other areas. Castaic, Agua Dulce, Devore, San Bernardino(Lake Arrowhead – the newest fire as of Monday AM), Orange, Fontana,

Malibu appears to have sustained the most damage with several homes lost and has been burning the longest. Since Saturday.

Firefighting crews are working deligently to protect homes.

News from Orange Country fire says that it was arson caused, started in three different locations. I’m sure the investigation is well underway to catch the person(s) responsible.

Several roads are closed. Check with your local traffic reports.

Seven Counties have declared state of emergency, by Governer Schwartzneger.

More to follow… Stay tuned.

Posted by: Victor Caballero
Posted on: Oct 22, 2007

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