Dec 5 2008
Pasadena Bike Thefts

Very disturbing to read about the increase in bike thefts and how there is a connection to scrap metal with the bikes that are stolen.

Bikes at Gold Line Metro stations targeted

Tim Brick, a local environmentalist and bike advocate, departed the Gold Line train at the Lake Avenue station last week to find his bike missing for the fourth time since March.

Full Story: Pasadena Star-News

My comment was as follows:

This is a disgrace! 4 years to approve bike lockers or even just some racks where bikes can be locked, unreal. What really irks me is that these stations supposed to be monitored? Hello? Do the cameras work? Did anyone check them?
Where’s the sheriff and the MTA security detail? I have had a bike stolen at the El Monte transportation center years ago. The police dept and on site security staff were usless!! I would hate to be robbed at one of these facilities. There needs to be a serious security audit and sweep of these facilities to make them safe. If you are caught for steeling a bike, YOU GO TO JAIL!

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