Aug 31 2014
JPL Open House Saturday, October 11 and Sunday, October 12, 2014 @NASAJPL

JPL Open House


JPL's open house event

Saturday, October 11 and Sunday, October 12, 2014
9 a.m to 4.p.m

NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, invites the public to its annual Open House. The event, themed “Welcome to Our Universe,” will take visitors on a “ride” through the wonders of space. Highlights include a life-size model of Mars Science Laboratory, demonstrations from numerous space missions; JPL’s machine shop, where robotic spacecraft parts are built; and the Microdevices Lab, where engineers and scientists use tiny technology to revolutionize space exploration.

The Earth Science Center will show 3-D videos of our home planet and JPL’s Earth science missions. Upon entering, visitors will pass an Earth globe with data from NASA’s Earth-orbiting satellites projected onto the sphere.

JPL is located at 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, California, 91109. Admission to Open House is free. Parking is also free, but is limited. To get to JPL, take the Berkshire Avenue/Oak Grove Drive exit from the 210 Freeway in La Canada/Flintridge. All visitors should wear comfortable shoes –no buses will be provided from JPL parking lots. JPL will provide vans for mobility-challenged guests.

Vehicles and items carried by persons entering NASA/JPL property are subject to inspection by Officers at the entry checkpoints.  The following items are prohibited at NASA/JPL: All weapons, explosives, incendiary devices, dangerous instruments, alcohol, illegal drugs, pets, all types of skates including skateboards, Segways and bicycles. Large bags, backpacks or ice chests are not permitted into the event, except small purses and diaper bags.

Please check back in September to learn about the highlights of the Open House.

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