Jul 30 2008
Heidi’s Raspberry Farm

Starting the begining of August (Mother Nature has the final word), Heidi’s Raspberry Farm, located in beautiful Corrales NM, will be opening to the public for U-Pick raspberries every Saturday and Sunday from 9:00am till 3:00pm! Heidi’s Raspberry Farm is a certified organic farm. The price for picking is $4/pint. HRF can provide one pint containers for your picking pleasure.

To find HRF if you are south of Corrales: go north on Corrales Road 2.2 mi. from the Coors and Alameda intersection, turn east on “La Entrada East” and follow the signs.

To find HRF if you are north of Corrales: go south on I-25, exit at Bernalillo, go west on Hwy 550, follow 550 across the Rio Grande, go south on 528, at Giant station turn east on Corrales Road 448, proceed 4.5 mi. and turn east on “La Entrada East” (just past Wells Fargo bank look for signs on left), follow the signs.

This special event will only last until the fruit is finished which happens at the first good frost. For more information, call Douglas @ 353-1202


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