Jul 25 2024
City Of Pasadena Announces Director of Public Works Recruitment

City Of Pasadena Announces

Director of Public Works Recruitment

PASADENA, Calif.— City Manager Miguel Márquez has announced the initiation of the recruitment for the next Director of Public Works. The application process for this position is slated to begin in August with screenings and interviews taking place in September and October.

The public is encouraged to attend a virtual meeting to provide input about the most important qualities that potential candidates should have. The executive search firm of Peckham and McKenney will facilitate the executive search and the virtual public forum.

“Community input is incredibly valuable in appointing the best individual to lead the Department. I encourage all members of the community to attend the upcoming forum and share their thoughts on the characteristics and professional background they feel would be most important in the new director,” states Márquez.

The community forum will take place on Zoom on the following date and time: Monday, August 5, 2024, at 6:00 p.m.

Meeting information:


Meeting ID: 898 6921 8885


Anyone who would like to offer input but cannot attend the meeting can do so online at Bit.ly/PasadenaPWDirectorSurvey.

Stay connected with the City of Pasadena! Visit us online at CityOfPasadena.net follow us on Twitter at @PasadenaGov, and Instagram and Facebook at @CityOfPasadena, or call the City Service Center Monday through Friday during business hours at (626) 744-7311.

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