Oct 31 2009
You Have 5 Clicker Invites!

Dear Clicker Beta Users,

We’re now a little more than a month into our beta.  We hope you’re liking Clicker so far!  For our part, we’ve been learning a ton from your collective feedback. You may have even noticed changes being made to the site as we get ready to open Clicker up to the general public.

As we gear up for full launch, we’re ready to let a bit more traffic onto the site. The way we like to do this is to give some of our beta users free invites to give to their friends. So, here are 5 invitations, bundled in one convenient link for you to distribute to whomever, and however, you wish. Email your friends or invite your Twitter followers or Facebook friends. It’s your call. (Just don’t sell them on eBay.)

The link below will work for the first 5 people who use it. Just pass it along and we’ll do the rest.


Remember, only the first 5 people who sign up using your special link will be able to get into Clicker.

And, by all means, keep your feedback coming, either by clicking the Feedback button on any page of the site, or by emailing us at feedback@clicker.com. We honestly can’t get enough of it — positive or negative. It’s all useful for honing Clicker into the complete programming guide to Internet television.

Thanks again for signing up for the beta!

Team Clicker

ps – Remember to follow us on Twitter (https://www.twitter.com/clicker) and/or Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/clicker)

We at Clicker only like receiving emails if they’re absolutely necessary, so we promise to only send you an email on the rare occasion that we have something important to tell you.  If you absolutely never, ever want to hear our friendly voice again, just email us at optout@clicker.com and we’ll go away quietly.

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