Nov 12 2011
Wine at the Perfect Temperature every time with @Corkcicle

CORKCICLE, 2011 Gift of the Year, $22.95

Experience wine at the perfect temperature every time. Keeping your wines at just the right drinking temperatures—it’s a great dilemma. Too cold and it could mask the vintner’s uniquely crafted complexities. Too warm and the flavors may take a back seat to the alcohol. The answer to this perplexity? Corkcicle.

CORKCICLE - Single Unit

Best New Product Award – Dining – 2011 NY International Gift Fair (NYIGF)

CORKCICLE was shown in 32 million homes that receive Parade magazine inside their Sunday newspaper as the featured product of the week on November 7th, 2011

CORKCICLE, a new wine gadget as seen as “Product of the Week” in Parade Magazine



A demonstration of the 3 pouring methods when using a CORKCICLE in your wine bottle.


CORKCICLE was shown in 32 million homes that receive Parade magazine inside their Sunday newspaper as the featured product of the week on November 7th, 2011

CORKCICLE, a new wine gadget as seen as “Product of the Week” in Parade Magazine – Click here to get yours now and save and enjoy perfect temperature wine


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