May 9 2010
Why don’t you have Food Insurance?

If you have insurance for all your other needs then why not have food insurance! We can live without other necessities but we sure cannot live without food and water. Now we are lucky that we have good job, safe environment and food readily available, but just think if we too fall into any emergency situation like earth quake or any other natural disaster and we are left with virtually nothing even food and water, then what we will do? It is here that food insurance will come to your aid in a way that you won’t find yourself without food and water for longer period. This concept was started by with the food that you can store for much longer period of time, even for ten years without losing nutritious value. provides you with varieties of food items that can be stored for longer period and can be eaten in case any emergency arrives. They have food insurance emergency kits prepared and packaged for at least one adult or two children for two weeks and also have large amount of food for five members at least. For more details for the varieties of food items, it is suggested to visit

Most of these food items are ready to eat stuff while many of them can be prepared but very fast and very easily. It is an age old saying we should always be ready for any emergency, and food insurance prepares you for that well in advance.


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