Oct 31 2008
TelcoTV 2008

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Entering its 7th year, TelcoTV is the telecom industry’s premier event for the exploration of a comprehensive entertainment convergence strategy. More than 3, 500 attendees, 175+ exhibitors, and 125+ expert speakers comprise the TelcoTV ecosystem. It’s a must-attend event for telecom carriers of any size, looking to investigate, implement, and manage a comprehensive entertainment convergence strategy.

TelcoTV 2008 will build on its rich legacy as the leading destination for broadband and entertainment convergence by offering:
* Compelling speakers and panelists who provide unmatched insight into the evolving TelcoTV landscape
* Expanded educational tracks covering MobileTV, NetVideo, The Consumer Experience, IOC Issues, Technology, and Differentiation Strategies
* The largest TelcoTV-focused exhibition hall in the U.S., featuring over 175 leading providers of broadband and entertainment solutions
* A dynamic networking marketplace for broadband service providers, entertainment executives, and TelcoTV solution provider.


TelcoTV will have six concurrent educational tracks. You must purchase the Standard TelcoTV Conference or VIP Pass, in order to attend the TelcoTV Educational Tracks. (Expo Pass and Workshop Only Pass Holders will not be admitted to the TelcoTV Educational Tracks.)

Understanding MobileTV
The MobileTV era has begun. Understanding its implications and opportunities on your converged entertainment strategy will be critical for long-term success. Topics in this track:

* Realities of 3-Screen Convergence
* Learn From the Pioneers – MobileTV Case Study Panel
* Is MobileTV in My Future?
* Battle of the Platforms: Which One Makes Sense for Me?
* Understanding MobileTV Consumer Expectation & Behavior
* Marketing MobileTV: Do Consumers Get it?

Making Sense of NetVideo
The explosion of Internet-delivered video will have profound implications on triple- and quad-play service providers. Exploring the growing NetVideo ecosystem will be paramount for service providers of all sizes and types. Topics in this track:

* Converging Pay TV & NetVideo: How, Why & When?
* Pull Back the Curtains: The NetVideo Players
* Quality of Service: The Service Provider Trump Card
* Building Bridges: Strengthening Service Provider & Content Partnerships
* Business Model – What Business Model?
* What’s Hot? What Are Consumers Watching & Why?

The Independent View
Independent telcos are the telecom industry pioneers in triple play and IPTV deployments. Independents have unique issues and requirements relative to their converged entertainment strategy. Topics in this track:

* Is IPTV the Answer?
* Middleware Strategies
* Overcoming the Scale Challenge
* Realities of Convergence for Small Carriers
* The End Game: What’s My Long-Term Entertainment Strategy?
* Content Options: Seeing the Whole Picture

The Consumer Experience
At the end of the day, consumers will gravitate to the converged entertainment experience that provides them the right combination of features, content, interactivity, and value. Building that right experience is no trivial task. Service providers will be challenged to understand and implement the right mix of experience “ingredients” to build a sustainable value proposition with current and prospective customers. Topics in this track:

* Beyond Caller ID on the TV: Next-Generation Communications Convergence
* The Role of Mashups: Are They in My Future?
* Integrating the Social Network Experience: Fad or Reality?
* The Winning Content Experience: What Is It and How Do I Build It?
* The New Network Edge – The Home Network
* Putting Time & Place Shifting into Context: Understanding Consumer Viewing Behavior

Evolve With Technology
Converged entertainment platforms are complex and sophisticated. They evolve quickly, and service providers are challenged with ensuring their technology strategies keep pace. Topics in this track:

* Evolving Cable Landscape: Understanding DOCSIS 3.0 & Tru2Way
* Digital TV Transition: What Does It Mean to Me?
* Set-Top Box Evolution: Gateway to the Home?
* Avoiding Gridlock: Are Content Delivery Networks up to the Challenge?
* IPTV: Its More about TV than IP
* Service Quality: Strategies for Getting It Right

Dare to Be Different
Avoiding the “me too” trap with your entertainment strategy is easier said than done. Succeeding at building and implementing a successful differentiation strategy will take a concerted and determined effort. Topics in this track:

* Marketing the Entertainment Experience: We’re Well Beyond Voicemail & Call Waiting
* Avoiding the Low-Cost Provider Trap: Building the Right Pricing Strategy
* Embracing the On-Demand Generation: Strategies for Success
* Leveraging FTTH: How to Differentiate My Superior Network in the Marketplace
* Bundle of Joy: Developing a Winning Bundling Strategy
* Beyond Traditional Content: Leveraging Alternative Content Options

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