Oct 8 2008

Dell installs this program for the Dell Support Center. and when you go to reboot now I have to end now on Sprtcmd.exe. The computer will hang unless you end now as soon as it comes up when you are trying to shutdown or restart.

Here’s someone with the same problem and what they did to uninstall.

Problems with this darn Dell Support program, and for the first time I can actually help.
Said another program had “exclusive rights” or something of that order. Here is how I got around it. Press Control, Alt, and Delete and call up the Task Manager. Select the “Processes” tab, and hunt down the freaking “sprtcmd.exe”. You will find it! Click the header to row to sort by name. It is in that list. Select it with the mouse and choose END PROCESS button down at the bottom right of the screen. NOW that that stupid thing is ended, do your thing with the Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs, and it WILL (did for me) un-install and all of your problems will be gone.

Victor Caballero

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