Jun 5 2008


Thanks for registering at Songza — we’re glad to have you aboard! You are now a part of the music gravy-train family. It’s a good place.

What does it mean to be a part of the Songza family? It means that you never have to worry about losing your playlist. It’s always saved, and you can access from anywhere. Want to share your playlist and show off your friends? Just point people to your own little slice of Songza located at:


We recommend saving this e-mail. After all, it’s a momentous occasion. And, in case you forget your username (which is “victorcab”), you’ll be able to look it up. If you forget your password, try logging in and click the the forgotten password link. We don’t want to email you your password because, well, then it wouldn’t be a very secret password anymore.

We hope you have a great time using Songza and discovering new music. We are glad to have you.

Best wishes,
Your friends at Songza


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