Jan 8 2009
RealtyStore Update on Foreclosures

RealtyStore Update on Foreclosures.

New features from the RealtyStore site:
What’s New at RealtyStore.com
New & Updated Site Features
RealtyStore.com has recently completed an overhaul on FAQ’s. The FAQ section of the website is the most valuable contributor to a customer’s knowledge of our business model and practices, before they ever opt-in for a membership.
In addition, RealtyStore.com has added extra sorting options and a “Save Search” feature to property search results. These features help Members keep track of their favorite properties, so they can easily go back to them when they are done searching and are ready to begin the property research process.

Real Estate Foreclosures!

Industry News
What’s Hot: Los Angeles, California Foreclosures
Foreclosures are HOT right now, offering avid and secure investors the opportunity to break into the real estate market dirt cheap.
Take a look at this excerpt from a recent Reuters article on Los Angeles real estate. L.A. real estate is one of the hardest markets to break into.
The market bust caused by speculation and risky lending between 2002 and 2006 is changing all that! As more homes for sale enter the market and lenders become more strict in their terms, sellers have to compete more avidly to find buyers. The only viable option at this point is lowering prices.
The number of newly scheduled auctions on foreclosed properties in Los Angeles county rose 69 percent to 11,232 compared with last year’s fourth quarter. In Miami, they increased by 18 percent to 2,290 from a year ago.

The decrease in foreclosures from the third quarter — 29 percent in Los Angeles and 10 percent in Miami — was attributed to seasonal factors, as the pace of government and business slowed around the November elections and the holidays.

Homes low as $10k from RealtyStore.com

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