Hi Cherry Pickers,
The cherries are sweet and ripe and Gary is ready at the ranch so, we are opening for picking tomorrow–Saturday, May 24th. We will be open all weekend–the 24th, 25th and 26th. The weather has cooled off so it should be great cherry picking weather! It is still a great idea to put on your sunscreen and wear a hat. It can warm up quickly. I’d also suggest throwing a sweater in the car in case it is a little cool.
We just posted the new pictures of the cherries on the web site, www.upickcherries.com. About 1000 of the trees are super ripe and the rest are coming along. We have lots of local raw honey too!
If you can’t come this weekend, we will be open from 8am to 6pm every day from May 31st thru the 4th of July weekend. Don’t forget we have 25 acres so we love large groups. With 25 or more people from your charity or church, we are happy to donate 10% or your purchases back to the charity right on the spot. Ask us for details when you come to the orchard.
Any other questions, feel free to email me any time. Our cherry hotline also has details of our day and time openings. Our cherry hotline number is 661 270-1356.
Be ready for some great cherries and great fun! See you at the ranch!
Maxi and Gary
Villa del Sol Sweet Cherry Farms