Apr 10 2008
Most Popular Browser Toolbars

Most popular Browser Toolbars
By: Victor Caballero

Browser Toolbars are common add-ons nowadays to different browsers adding different functionality to the user experience. The browsers themselves take care of fundamental browsing navigations like moving back and forth and similar works. The toolbars time and again add supplementary functionality to browsers like search options, quick links, send emails, bookmarks and many more. These actually add the easy with which the users can move across the workspace over the internet and also gives them the essential time saving for being able to do things at single click from the browser itself. Some of the most popular browser toolbars available in the market are Yahoo toolbars, Google toolbars, AOL toolbars, Windows Live toolbar and many more.

Coming to a brief description of each of these, let us talk about Yahoo. As it is popularly known among most of the internet users across the world, as per statistics it is a principal online information portal attracting hundreds and millions of users inside its network that is a collection of different websites like email, news, technology, chatting, entertainment, news, shopping, search engines etc and available in different languages. The services are available as free ones as well as paid premium ones as well. The services are advertised and made localized to every individual user across the world via the free downloadable toolbars that provide the cool user experience to a host of these services. It can be stated as an endeavor from the company to reach out to the multitude with its bouquet of services and also enable them to use these services as much as possible.

Google toolbar is also a browser toolbar presented for Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox browsers. Being a global player and leader in search engine frontier, the Google toolbar provides a search box and “Go” button to enable users to search almost everything that they need information on across the world and truly makes the entire earth accessible at a click away from them. The “Google Suggest” is like an intelligent piece of this functionality that gives instant suggestion of topics that can be searched, while the user types any keywords in the search box from the toolbar. It is indeed a very handy device and useful from the perspective of the users. Apart from it, the other functionalities available are “Spell Checker”, “Auto Links”, “Google Bookmarks”, “send email via GMail” and many more. Another great add-on to the Google’s toolbar is the “Google Compute”! It permits a computer to help the users to unravel tricky scientific problems during the time the computer would otherwise remain unused.

The AOL Toolbar by AOL is also available for Internet Explorer and Firefox with options like email, games, radio, search engines and other similar functionality. Windows Live toolbars comes as a next generation for the MSN Search toolbars with functionalities like desktop searching functionality and index options for emails as well as files. It also provides facilities like “Instant Messenger”, “Windows Live homepage”, “Search options” and many other things.

In all the Browser Toolbars have indeed become extremely popular over the years and within a short time and the above mentioned most popular browser toolbars are truly doing a great market among the ever growing Web community across the world.

Download a Free copy of Windows Live Toolbar and Search while being fully protected.

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