Medical Imaging Innovations at Caltech December 8
Dr. Anthony T. Materna Memorial Program on Medical Technologies
Saturday, December 8, 2012
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, California
Registration and Continental Breakfast:
8:00 a.m. Baxter Lecture Hall
9:00 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. Baxter Lecture Hall
11:15 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Baxter Lecture Hall
$40 advance / online registration; $50 at-the-door; $10 for students with full-time student ID and free for Caltech students (must show ID at door).
Interested in more networking?
Bring your business card to the registration desk on the day of the event be included in a voluntary list of attendee contact information. This list will be distributed only to those who leave their card and /or contact information.
Event Preview
What do entrepreneurs, mathematicians, software engineers, physicists, physicians, biologists, anatomists, angels, venture capitalists and bankers have in common?
Entrepreneurs dream and bring the dreams to reality. Physicists invent the technology. Electrical engineers design and make the hardware. Mathematicians create the algorithms. Software engineers write the programs for computers to process the data. Physicians, biologists and anatomists interpret the images, diagnose patients and prescribe cures. Angels start the entrepreneurs on their way. Venture capitalists fund the entrepreneurs to commercial success. The bankers take care of the piles of money the entrepreneurs, angels and venture capitalists make on bringing the technology to the health care marketplace.
On December 8, 2012, the Caltech Entrepreneurs Forum presents a stimulating and revealing program on the latest in technology and entrepreneurial opportunities in medical imaging. The technology is fascinating and the opportunities boundless. Don’t miss this great program.
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Michael Phelps, world renowned scientist and entrepreneur, inventor of PET scanning. Company presenter: Dale Fox, President, Tribogenics, Inc., an exciting new company in medical imaging. Panelists include Greggory DeVore, M.D., expert in fetal ultrasound who has pioneered work in the identification of congenital heart defects using 2D, 3D, 4D, and color Doppler ultrasound. More panelists to be announced this week.
What would Dr. Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen say to Dr. Beverly Crusher if they could attend our program? Come and find out!
This program is dedicated to the memory of MIT Alumnus Dr. Anthony T. Materna, founding member and past chair of this forum. Dr. Materna’s many accomplishments and contributions were invaluable to the local entrepreneurial community.
Anthony T. Materna, Ph.D.
1925 – 2012
Past Chair and Valued Director
1984 – 2012
Rest in Peace
Keynote Speakers:
Dr. Michael Phelps – Inventor of PET scanning
Dale Fox – President, Tribogenics, Inc
Tribogenics, Inc
Greggory DeVore, M.D. – Expert in Fetal Ultrasound, Fetal Ultrasound
More panelists to be announced this week.
Baxter Lecture Hall
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA
Directions/Maps: Directions to the Forum