Sep 4 2008
Keith Wellman Program

Today I received a call from someone who represented themselves as a “candidate recruiter”. This individual proceeded to ask many personal questions. I provided some answers and others provided very vague answers.

When I asked the important question… How much? The rep stated that the costs ranges from $2k to upwards of $5k. Obviously this recruiter is making a commission from signing up people who are gulable enough to send in a check or pay with a credit card for services they get elsewhere.

There are no “get rich of the internet” programs that actually work. These companies prey on individuals who are desparate enough to spend their last dollar chasing a dream of making it big selling services or goods on the internet.

Basically anyone in internet marketing will tell you, it takes hard work and creativity to make money on the internet. In addition to persistence and you do in fact need money to make money.

This is the second call I have received from the Keith Wellman folks. I am not interested in their program. There are a few programs I would be interested in. I guess I also had trouble with the rep trying to get into my head and get personal so that I would feel comfortable and agree with him and I would think he was my buddy. This may work with some people, it will not work with me.

I plan to do some research on these programs in the near future so stay tuned.

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