Apr 21 2010
GPS car systems are doomed

Do you remember the GPS navigator systems that were so popular a few years ago and which are still in use today? In fact, if you’re a regular car traveler then you probably have one of these handy gadgets. In Europe an increasing number of people have handheld smart phones such as Apples Iphone and with the latest release of the new smart phone satellite GPS system it looks like the standalone GPS units are set to become redundant. So far statistics collected in 5 major European countries this year show that 68% of people last year used their smart phones in their cars for navigation needs.

If you’re not familiar with the smart phone GPS navigation systems, they work in exactly the same way as the standalone unit, except that you only need to pay for the cost of the satellite connection. Smart phones have a leg up over the regular GP units as they act as multipurpose devices with a long list of other applications to keep them occupied.

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