Word is coming down that T-Mobile and Google are going to offer an extra G1 battery pack to all G1 owners in about a month from now.
This from Chris over at MobileWhack:
T-Mobile is cooking up an extended battery project which will address customers complaints regarding the current battery status.
T-Mobile doesn’t have an official statement for this whole event but we should expect one in the future. G1 owners should be notified if they qualify for the free battery pack. Which brings me to my next question. Will all G1 owners get the free upgrade and if not what’s the criteria for getting one?
Some options in the meantime:
Seidioonline.com promises up to 15% more battery life with a 1400mAh battery for only $42.95. Even it it doesn’t last as long it might be nice to have a second battery to be able to swap out.
Direct link:
Another option is a HTC battery from FocalPrice, you can get a G1 battery for $5.74!!!