Mar 25 2014
Google Cloud Platform Live Products Video

Google Cloud Platform Live Products

On March 25, 2014, Urs Hölzle, Senior Vice President for Technical Infrastructure, and the senior engineering leadership of Google Cloud Platform will be hosting a day-long developer summit and evening celebration to announce new features for Google Cloud Platform, take a deep dive on tips, tricks and technology, and share our vision for the future of cloud computing.

1 million requests per second!

1. 0 load balancing

Same code base that powers

Cloud SQL GA open API’s. 99.95% SLA

Persistent Disks

HIPA Support

Live migration

Chris Elliott

Completely transparent.

Test clusters with large workloads

No performance hiccups

Seamless and fast, same configuration

Only thing is a note in the log

Compute Engine

VM are different than  other VM’s.


Gcloud command line completion



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