Apr 1 2009
Google Adsense Performance

Wider formats perform better.
Top Performing units.
160×600 vs 120×600 160×600 performs better.

Ad formats:
Enable image ads increase available formats, more copetition to earn higher earnings.

Good medium rectangle. Wide format easier to read higher clickthrough.

Optimize placements.

use colors that already exist on the page, that blend in.

Blending – use colors already on the page

Complementing – similar to blending, take other colors on the page or similar. design blends

Contrasting – contrasting not suggested, can work, but not recommended

Adsense for search optimazation
Mixed – 39%
Link Dominant – 20%
Search Dominant – 50% – offer search on your site to leverage this user behavior, site search. Keeps users on the site. Users will return. Integrated search

-Make your content accessible
-ads are targeted directly to the user queries
drives traffic to specific sites you select

large prominent search box – works very well
Optimizing the search box

Optimizing on the search results
ad placements on the top and the right, blending colors, light borders

12 standard IAB formats
728×90 and 160×600 best performance

Setup channels
Tracking changes with channels
Making the channels available to advertisers
placements and websites
-Location on page
-topic of page

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