For those of you looking for GoDaddy domain registration promo/coupon codes.
We have a few that appear to be working these days.
BTPS20 and saved ~$50
gdp0229d – $7.99 .COM Sale. Expires February 29, 2008
“Register or renew as many .COM domains as you want for 20% OFF, now just $7.99/yr each!”
OYH3 – $3 off / $6.95 any .COM (renewals too… just used it)
BTPS7 – 20% any order of $50 or more
OYH1 – 10% off whatever
BTPS20 – 25% any order of $100 or more
BTPS4 – 10% off anything
OYH2 – $5 off a $30 purchase
chill1 – 10% off
chill2 – $5 off $30
chill3 – $6.95 .coms
hash1 – 10% off
hash2 – $5 off $30
hash3 – $6.95 .com registration
gdd1101c – 10% off any order of $40 or more