Jan 20 2013
Electronic Cigarettes: alternatives to traditional smoking
English: Super-T Manufacturing's all mechanica...

Electronic Cigarettes

Electronic Cigarette is relatively newer addition to the world of smoking. Electronic Cigarettes are now consumed or used by a large number of smokers throughout the world. These cigarettes are similar to the real or traditional cigarettes in terms of physical appearance. But the inner functionalists are very different of these two kinds of cigarettes. At present there are several business organizations that are working around the promotions and sales of electronic cigarettes. One example of that kind of organizations is Envy cigarettes. The physical appearance of Envy cigarettes is almost same to the traditional cigarettes. But the inner structure and working process of electronic cigarettes are much different from the traditional one. An electronic cigarette is operated by the power of electricity. Therefore, a battery as source of electricity is attached to every electronic cigarette. An electronic cigarette generally consists of 5 major components. They are: cartridge, atomizer, magnet adopter, battery and liquid. The cartridge is a small plastic container that acts as mouth piece and reservoir for the liquids. That liquid is used as the main ingredient here for generating the experience of smoking. This liquid is heated by the atomizer, which is a kind of electronic coil that generates temperature/ heat upon connecting to a source of electricity, such as a battery. When the liquid is got heated by the atomizer, there occurs vaporization, which is inhaled by the respective smokers. Magnet adopter is used for holding the battery and atomizer together. Therefore, the summary of the process is, a liquid or concentration is vaporized by heating. For heating an electronic coil, known as atomizer, is used. A battery is used for supplying electricity to the atomizer. The generate vapor is inhaled by the respective smokers. And all these components are packed in a stick like container that is very physically similar to a traditional cigarette. It is very hard to distinguish the Electronic Envy cigarettes from the traditional ones, because of similarity in physical looks.


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