Jul 27 2012
EA CPE Courses With The Fast Forward Academy

It’s perfectly natural to assume that as soon as we have passed our exams and qualified for whatever profession we have chosen for ourselves, the formal teaching and hard work is done and we can breath a sigh of relief. Unfortunately, for a lot of us that simply isn’t the case and in order to progress and remain completely up-to-date in our chosen field of expertise, we need to maintain our Continuing Professional Education (CPE)

This is especially true of the legal profession, where things can be constantly changing and Enrolled Agent CPE is not only important, but also crucial. Fast forward Academy is a leader in Enrolled Agent CPE and offers a huge range of online courses that deal with all aspects of taxation.

Each and every course is registered with the IRS, as is the company itself that has been recognised as an Approved Continuing Education Provider which is proof of it’s quality and worth.

Courses typically start from $15 an hour, (although selected free courses are always available) and they all come complete with a 30-day money back guarantee and free pdf’s should you want them. Also, the more courses you buy, the greater the discount that can be offered.

Perhaps the most useful course in satisfying the necessary EA CPE requirements is the ability to undertake highly realistic ‘mock exams’, such as CPA Practice Exams to Simulate the Real Uniform Certified Public Accountant Examination (2012). Not only can you benefot from the necessary courses, but you also get a realistic means of testing your progress.

If you are a Quality Enrolled Agent and need to maintain your CPE, make life that little bit more straightforward and visit the Fast Forward Academy!


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