May 22 2019
Devil’s Gate Reservoir Pasadena Dirt Removal Truck Traffic Debris @LACoPublicWorks #SaveHahamongna @hahamongna

Devil’s Gate Reservoir

If you are like me you probably are not a fan of having hundreds of trucks rolling through neighborhoods and on and off ramps and highways dropping debris, and as of this morning a rock flew off one truck and hit my windshield.

This is the information from the Los Angeles County Public Works website:


The Devil’s Gate Reservoir Restoration Project is a four-year effort to increase flood protection for communities downstream of Devil’s Gate Dam and restore habitat within a popular section of the Arroyo Seco Watershed.

Los Angeles County Public Works will remove 1.7 million cubic yards of sediment from the reservoir immediately behind the nearly 100-year-old dam. In addition to providing flood relief to communities that have endured nearly a decade of elevated flood risk along the Arroyo Seco, the project will establish a permanent stormwater maintenance area that allows for the creation of 70 acres of enhanced habitat and recreational opportunities for local communities.

For more information on the Project, please contact:

For questions regarding the construction project, please contact:
The Devil’s Gate Hotline – (626) 458-2507


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