Nov 21 2010
Designer Synthetic DNA

Synthetic Chromosone made by man.
Can be grown by man
designed synthetic DNA
Biological Revolution
Re-program bacteria
clean sources of energy
programming cells
dna is the software of LIFE
evolution of life
Bio engineered everything
first things will come out

flu vacines could come out next year, 24 hours or less
has signed contact
BP is funding
Exxon has contracted for Algae development
City of
Synthetic Biology


Ecolli bacteria to produce fuel

J Craig Venter
Ego maniac?
Self promotion?

Grew up in the suburbs of San Francisco
Hated school, was not really good in anything, almost flunked out of high school.
Took up surfing
reality set in, sent to Vietnam
Motivated to pursue
National Institutes of Health
Frustrated by Government Science/Research
On 60 minutes
Private money and if successful
Took on federal project,
Human Genome project
Took 9 months instead of 15 years
Clinton arranged for two s
Corporate Bosses sacked him, fired by the company
Locked the doors and sent him away
Financial success
100 million in stock
in a few years he was making waves
age 64, now he is trying to create code
trying to short circuit evolution
can people that use the tools guarantee that it is safe
complexity of biology
cells may not survive outside of the lab
powerful technology
moral and ethical issues
society is 100% dependent on biology we can’t
rules of life? changing life?
Is he playing God? Does he believe in God? He said no.

Software is DNA of life.

Celera Genomics

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Hamilton Smith, M.D.

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Featured Highlights

First Self-Replicating Synthetic Bacterial Cell

Hydrogen from Water in a Novel Recombinant Cyanobacterial System


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