Chris Dewolfe announces that MySpace will be using Google Gears for profiles after using it for Chat. Looks like MySpace is getting closer to Google.
MySpace Music is launching this month. Supposed to be coming before the end of the month. Working with labels as a joint venture. Taking music label catalogs. Adding lots of original content too. Streaming will be free. MySpace should buy Pandora! Amazon could be powering it. Tickets and merchandise will be coming in phase 2 of the MySpace Music. Will be launching and rolling, 70 people dedicated to the group. Chris and Amet are managing. Largest community in the world.
Revenue model for MySpace, taking a look at advertising dollars. 95% from 9 countries, US, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, etc… Comparing US to Mexico the value of users online. MySpace strategy is to focus on the top generating countries. Music is a cornerstone of MySpace. Sounds like MySpace is going after Facebook and iTunes in a big way. Can they compete?