Aug 31 2011
Big Win! Justice Opposes AT&T Merger.

Amazing news!

Just moments ago the Justice Department filed suit to block AT&T’s proposed takeover of T-Mobile.

In announcing the suit, the DoJ’s top antitrust enforcer said, “Any way you look at it, this deal is anti-competitive.” Free Press couldn’t agree more. And for once, policymakers put the law above politics and stood up to a powerful company.

This victory simply wouldn’t have happened without your efforts, calls and letters. The Department of Justice would not have acted without intense public pressure against this deal. And thanks to your support, we filed thousands of pages of research to tear down the mountain of AT&T propaganda and deflate the air of inevitability surrounding the merger in Washington.

The DoJ lawsuit is built on the arguments that you and I have been making since this disastrous deal was first announced: If you remove a competitor from an already concentrated market, the results are bad for industry, bad for consumers and bad for society. And they’re bad for jobs and the economy, too.

In today’s Washington, corporations too often dictate policy. But what’s good for AT&T isn’t good for the rest of us. With today’s decision, we see it’s possible to challenge the most powerful corporations and make policy that actually serves the public interest.

AT&T has already invested millions in this deal, and it’s going to play every card in the deck to try to win this suit and get this merger through.

With your help we will continue to oppose this disastrous deal, armed with the facts and the commitment of more than 500,000 activists like you.

We’ve turned Washington in the right direction on this merger, and now we’ve got to keep pushing until we have a media and communications system that serves our needs rather than the aims of a few giant corporations.

But for today, let’s celebrate!

Craig Aaron
President & CEO
Free Press

P.S. Victories like these only happen because of contributions from people like you. We don’t accept any money from businesses, government agencies or political parties. A gift of $20 will help us stand up to AT&T and anyone else who threatens the public interest.

P.S.S. For the latest developments on AT&T’s doomed deal, follow Free Press on Twitter and Facebook.


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