Mar 30 2010
Backup Options for WordPress Blog

Automattic is launching VaultPress.


Your application bits are now stored safely in The Vault.

Soon we’ll start a pseudo-random process of picking tickets. When yours is chosen we’ll send a magic link that will allow you to get secure with you to get secure with VaultPress and sleep soundly at night.


The VaultPress Safekeepers,

John, Matt, Mit, MT, and Paul


WordPress is an open source CMS hosted at and is NOT the same as Automattic who uses WordPress the CMS to power it’s blogging service.

But you forgot BackupBuddy, our premium WordPress plugin that does this too (but it also does restore and migration of self-hsoted sites) and has been out for about a month now ….

Why in the world would you want to pay an ongoing monthly fee when you can utilize the power of BackupBuddy. It allows you to backup, migrate, restore, and do it on your own schedule. You can have it save to backup wherever you want and even have it emailed to you. It’s a one time fee and is in the form of a plugin you can add to whatever site you need.

And BTW, nobody self-hosts a blog. You self-host a WordPress blog. These are two different things.

i’d rather use my existing off-site backup account with Syncplicity (or Mozy) to backup my blog files as well.
Besides there are free plugins that could do most of above backup tasks – it’s just a bit more work.

Might be a bit of a stretch to convince most people to pay extra $15+/mo for blog backup on top of ~$10/mo hosting.

There are tons of great, free backup plugins.

VaultPress does more, though:

1. It can handle any amount of stuff. For example my site ( has about 30,000 photos on it, totaling about 33 gigabytes.

2. It’s an all-in-one package. You don’t need one thing to back up your database, one thing for your files, one thing for your themes, et cetera.

3. It’s real-time. You make a post and it’s in the cloud seconds later.

4. It’s enterprise-grade and not reliant on one provider, including us. Your site is stored on no fewer than 2 cloud services in addition to our own copies.

5. It going to do more than just backup. The VaultPress engine will be able to push hotfixes to zero-day security vulnerabilities, for example.

6. There’s even more I can’t talk about yet. :)

It’s a complete solution — once VaultPress is running you don’t have to worry about anything except creating a great site.

Title: Automattic Creates VaultPress, A Safe Place to Back Up Your WordPress Blog
Over the past few months, Automattic has taken an in-depth look at the ecosystem for the popular blog platform WordPress and realized that one of the major pain points for the 12.1 million users who self-host their WordPress blogs is security and restoration. Automattic’s service backs up all of the blogs that it hosts, but those users who self-host their WordPress-powered blogs need to download plugins, such as this one, or use backup services like Mozy or Backupify to protect their data and content. Today Automattic is changing that with the launch of its own blog protection and restoration service for self-hosted blogs, called VaultPress (note: the site isn’t live yet).
Currently in private beta, VaultPress is a plugin users can download that acts as a backup service for your blog. Not only will the software help keep your blog up and running, but it will also soon monitor your site to alert you if their is suspicious activity or a hacking. Alternatively, VaultPress will eventually update your blog with security hot-fixes automatically. VaultPress will be a paid service and will probably be in the ballpark range of $15 to 20 per month, according to Automattic VP of User Growth Paul Kim. At first VaultPress will be extended on an invitation only basis and will eventually be open to the public in the near future.
While users can still use outside services or plugins plugins, VaultPress will be the only Automattic branded offering. And the plugin is tightly woven into’ infrastructure, promising greater operability, says Kim.
WordPress co-founder and Automattic President Matt Mullenweg says VaultPress is one of the most advanced technologies that he’s seen interact with WordPress. The vision of the service is to ensure that every piece of content on WordPress-powered blogs and sites are safe, with, real-time, multi-cloud backups.
VaultPress as a product makes sense for WordPress and frankly, I’m surprised that Automattic didn’t roll this out earlier.


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