Sep 15 2008
Testers needed – Load any music to your mobile!

If you’re frustrated with $2.99 songs or wrestling with DRM tracks on yourmobile then MP3tunes has something you might be interested in. We’re betatesting a service where you can load any song from your hard disk, web siteyou visit or your MP3tunes locker directly to your mobile phone – wirelesslyof course. No cables required. No special PC software. The service optimizessongs for fastest delivery and highest sound quality for a mobile platform.
This is a real beta test not a trick to get sidestep any quality issues. Wecould use a dozen outsiders to give this a try. Email me if you’reinterested (not the whole list). Just me. We need you to test it out earlythis week.
And if you haven’t thought of your mobile as a MP3 player you might want togive it another look. You can get a 8gb memory for about $40 which manyphones will support and you’ve got enormous music storage and a MP3 playeryou probably already carry around.
—- MR
Michael Robertson – Your Music – IM/VOIP/SMS from PC and phone

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Categories: tmobile bad service