Jan 7 2009
LA Times Sweepstakes Albertson

Win groceries for a year.

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Los Angeles Times Grocery Giveaway Sweepstakes (“Sweepstakes”)
1. Eligibility Requirements: Open to legal residents of California who are 18 years of age or older. Employees, contractors, directors and officers of the Los Angeles Times (“Sponsor”), Albertson’s, and each of their respective parent, subsidiary and affiliated companies, retailers, distributors, manufacturers, web design, advertising, fulfillment, judging and sweepstakes agencies involved in the administration, development, fulfillment and execution of this Sweepstakes (collectively, “Sweepstakes Parties”), and the immediate family members of each (spouse, parent, child, sibling, or grandparent) and those living in their same households (those persons whether related or not who live in the same residence for at least three months during the twelve-month period preceding the start date of the Sweepstakes) are not eligible to participate.
2. Sweepstakes Period: Sweepstakes begins at 12:00:01 am Pacific Time (“PT”) on 12/28/08 and ends on 2/28/09 at 11:59:59 pm PT. Sponsor’s time clock is the official clock for this Sweepstakes.
3. To Enter: There are three (3) methods of entry.
1) Via the Internet: Log on to https://www.latsweepstakes.com (“Web Site”) during the Sweepstakes Period and follow the on-screen directions to properly complete and submit an online registration form. For your entry to be valid, you must complete all required information and click the “Submit” button on the entry page. Automated methods of entry and the use of third-party software or web site to enter are prohibited.
2)By Subscribing: Log on to https://www.latsweepstakes.com and subscribe to the special promotional Los Angeles Times offer, a Thursday-Sunday delivery service at $39 for 52 weeks, during the Sweepstakes Period to be automatically entered into the Sweepstakes. Offer good for new subscribers only.

Subscriptions are only valid in specific postal zip codes of the greater Los Angeles area which include:

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3) Existing Customers: Existing subscribers who opt into “EZ Pay” billing service on https://www.latsweepstakes.com/ezpay during the Sweepstakes Period will be automatically entered into the Sweepstakes. Limit one (1) entry per person, email address, account, and/or household throughout the Sweepstakes Period, regardless of method of entry. Any attempt by any entrant to obtain more than the stated number of entries using multiple/different e-mail addresses, accounts, identities, subscriptions, registrations and logins, or any other methods will void such entries and that entrant may be disqualified by Sponsor. All entries become the property of the Sponsor and will not be acknowledged or returned.
4. Drawing: Winner will be selected in a random drawing from all eligible entries received. Drawing will be conducted on or about 3/09/09 by an independent judging organization, whose decisions shall be final and binding on all matters relating to the Sweepstakes. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received from all entry methods combined.
5. Prize and Approximate Retail Value (“ARV”): One (1) Grand Prize: One (1) year’s worth of groceries at Albertson’s Supermarkets. The Winner will be awarded twelve (12) Albertson’s Supermarket gift cards, each valued at $500. Gift cards do not have an expiration date and are subject to the terms and conditions set by issuer and stated thereon. ARV: $6,000. Properly claimed prize will be awarded, but in no event will Sponsor award more prizes than are provided for in these Official Rules. Winner is responsible for all taxes on prize.
6. General Conditions: No cash equivalent or substitution of prize is offered, except at the sole discretion of the Sponsor. No transfer of prize. By participating, entrants agree to these Official Rules and Sponsor’s Privacy Policy which are final and binding in all respects. Sponsor will attempt to notify potential Winner by mail. Potential Winner will be required to complete, sign and return an Affidavit of Eligibility/Liability Release and Publicity Release within ten (10) days of attempted notification or prize may be forfeited. If any prize or prize correspondence is returned as non-deliverable, prize will be forfeited and may be awarded to an alternate winner. If a prize, or any portion thereof, cannot be awarded for any reason, Sponsor reserves the right to substitute prize with another prize of equal or lesser value. This Sweepstakes is offered only in California and is governed by the laws of the state of California, and all claims must be resolved in the federal or state courts of Los Angeles County, California.
7. Limitations of Liability and Release: Sponsor is not responsible for lost, late, illegible, or misdirected entries. No liability or responsibility is assumed by Sponsor or Sweepstakes Parties resulting from user’s participation in or attempt to participate in the Sweepstakes. No responsibility or liability is assumed by the Sponsor or Sweepstakes Parties for technical problems or technical malfunction arising in connection with any of the following occurrences, without limitation, that may affect the operation of the Sweepstakes: hardware or software errors; faulty computer, participating retailer system, telephone, cable, satellite, network, electronic, wireless or Internet connectivity or other online communication problems; errors or limitations of any Internet service providers, servers, participating retail system, hosts or providers; garbled, jumbled or faulty data transmissions; unauthorized human or non-human intervention of the operation of the Sweepstakes, including without limitation, unauthorized tampering, hacking, theft, virus, bug, worm; or destruction of any aspect of the Sweepstakes. Sponsor is not responsible for any typographical errors in the announcement of prizes or these Official Rules. Sponsor reserves the right to terminate, cancel or suspend the Sweepstakes if, for any reason, the Internet portion of the Sweepstakes is not capable of running as planned. In the event Sponsor terminates the Sweepstakes, Sponsor shall post notice thereof on the Web Site and will pick the Winner in a random drawing from among all eligible entries received as of the Sweepstakes termination. By participating in the Sweepstakes, the entrant thereby releases Sponsor and the Sweepstakes Parties from any and all claims, damages or liabilities arising from or relating to such entrant’s participation in the Sweepstakes. By accepting the prize, recipient agrees that the Sponsor, Sweepstakes Parties, participating retailers, and all of their respective officers, directors, employees, representatives and agents will have no liability whatsoever for, and shall be held harmless by Winner against, any liability for injuries, losses or damages of any kind to persons or property resulting in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, from participation in the Sweepstakes; from acceptance, possession, misuse or use of a prize. Except where prohibited by law, by accepting prize, Winner grants permission for Sponsor and those acting under its authority to use his/her name, photograph, voice and/or likeness, for advertising and/or publicity purposes, in any and all media now known or hereinafter invented without territorial or time limitations and without additional compensation.
8. Winner List/Official Rules Request: For the name of the Winner, or a copy of these Official Rules, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope specifying “Official Rules” or “Winner List”, postmarked by 3/28/09 and received by 4/6/09 to: LA Times Grocery Giveaway Sweepstakes “Official Rules” or “Winner List” Request, P.O. Box 329, Elmhurst, IL 60126.
9. Name Removal: If you do not wish to receive promotional mailings from the Los Angeles Times in the future, please send an email with your name, address, and email address to dmoptout@latimes.com and write “Do Not Mail” in the subject line.
10. Sponsor: Los Angeles Times, 202 West First Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012.

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