Jul 29 2012
Fundraising recommendations – Venture Capital Cafe
  • Thought I would share this valuable good info.
  • Group: Venture Capital Cafe (+6200 Members)
  • Subject: Fundraising recommendations

Hello VC Cafe group members,

I’ve been contacted by several members who are asking for assistance in fundraising for a web startup or a mobile app. I’m writing today to share my recommendations with all who have enquired, and with the broader group.

A few recommendations on fundraising:

1) Put your startup on AngelList – if you’re on to something solid, you should have no problem getting noticed by the top guys. Best way to get noticed is to be referred by a member – let me know if you need help with that (angel.co)

2) Spend $19 and treat yourself to this course on raising capital for startups and what to include in your pitch slides. This online course by Naval Ravinikant will give you the structure you need in any fundraising presentation https://goo.gl/iqHt0

3) Look at other examples – recently launched PitchEnvy has over 20 recent pitch decks that raised money!

You are of course also welcome to visit VC Cafe for additional startup resources: https://www.vccafe.com/ . Please do feel free to contact me with these types of enquiries in the future – I appreciate knowing what you are interested in, and am happy to share recommendations.


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