Category Archives: IE8
Vincent Van Hoff Leading Studio Designer

Watching LX-TV Open House on Channel 4 NBC, Los Angeles. Vincent Van Hoff was interviewed for a segment on home studios and Gilby Clark from Guns’N’Roses was interviewed regarding his personal home studio. Of course these are very high end homes, but the basic principals…

Music Terms Glossary

Hothouse Studios is working on a glossary of music terms. The page is up and ready to be tested.Check it out at:

Hothouse Studios on Insider Pages

Check out Hothouse Rehearsal Studios now on InsiderPages. Hothouse Studios would love you to write a quick review about them on Please click here to write your review: There’s also a coupon there.

John Easdale from Dramarama on Ellen DeGeneres

We have word from Richard Morales over at Hothouse Studios that John Easdale from Dramarama will be on the Ellen DeGeneres show this Thursday, Jan 24th, 2008. Apparently it is Ellen’s Birthday and one of her favorite songs is “Anything, Anything” by Dramarama. Be sure…