Jul 25 2024
City Of Pasadena Announces Director of Public Works Recruitment

City Of Pasadena Announces

Director of Public Works Recruitment

PASADENA, Calif.— City Manager Miguel Márquez has announced the initiation of the recruitment for the next Director of Public Works. The application process for this position is slated to begin in August with screenings and interviews taking place in September and October.

The public is encouraged to attend a virtual meeting to provide input about the most important qualities that potential candidates should have. The executive search firm of Peckham and McKenney will facilitate the executive search and the virtual public forum.

“Community input is incredibly valuable in appointing the best individual to lead the Department. I encourage all members of the community to attend the upcoming forum and share their thoughts on the characteristics and professional background they feel would be most important in the new director,” states Márquez.

The community forum will take place on Zoom on the following date and time: Monday, August 5, 2024, at 6:00 p.m.

Meeting information:


Meeting ID: 898 6921 8885


Anyone who would like to offer input but cannot attend the meeting can do so online at Bit.ly/PasadenaPWDirectorSurvey.

Stay connected with the City of Pasadena! Visit us online at CityOfPasadena.net follow us on Twitter at @PasadenaGov, and Instagram and Facebook at @CityOfPasadena, or call the City Service Center Monday through Friday during business hours at (626) 744-7311.

NEWS RELEASE JULY 11, 2024 Demonstration of New Transit Real Time Bus Arrival Devices with Text-To-Speech Capability
Jul 25 2024
Pasadena Water and Power Launches Clean Energy Tracker

Pasadena Water and Power Launches Clean Energy Tracker

The Pasadena Water and Power (“PWP”) Clean Energy Tracker, which provides information on key clean energy targets and milestones, is now available online at PWPweb.com/CleanEnergyTracker.

The launch of the tracker further demonstrates PWP’s commitment to the successful implementation  of Resolution 9977, which was approved by the Pasadena City Council on January 30, 2023, and sets a goal to source 100% of Pasadena’s electricity from carbon-free sources by the end of 2030 while optimizing for affordability, rate equity, stability, and reliability. The resolution has since been incorporated into PWP’s 2023 Power Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), accelerates California’s clean energy targets by 15 years, and demonstrates an ambitious approach to achieving Pasadena’s carbon-free future.

“PWP is committed to reaching ambitious carbon-free energy goals while continuing to provide reliable power at competitive rates,” says Interim General Manager David Reyes.

As a community-owned utility, PWP is dedicated to advancing transparency, and ensuring information is readily available in an accessible format.

The tracker provides progress updates on clean energy targets and goals that will help achieve Pasadena’s carbon-free future.  Specific metrics provided in the initial launch focus on requirements of Senate Bill 100, Resolution 9977, community adoption of distributed energy resources and electric vehicles, and energy efficiency savings.

The tracker will be enhanced in phases with the goal of providing informative updates that are relevant, transparent, and easy to interpret.  The public is invited to provide feedback by emailing WPD_IRP@CityOfPasadena.net, or by calling (626) 744-4005.

Jul 24 2024
Pasadena’s Zero Tolerance of Fireworks Was a Failure

Pasadena’s Zero Tolerance of Fireworks Was a Failure

 My observation from July 4, 2024 in Pasadena, in which the city had a supposed ZERO tolerance policy for fireworks. This should concern all citizens.

As my wife and I drove from our house toward the Rose Bowl on the evening of July 4 for the LA Galaxy vs. LAFC soccer game, we encountered fireworks exploding in several directions, emanating from parks and residential neighborhoods.

As we entered the Rose Bowl perimeter, we encountered more firework detonations in the parking areas in plain view of Pasadena police and Rose Bowl security. As  the fireworks were exploding in front  and raining down directly overhead, I wondered why law enforcement was ignoring the violation of the imposed policy.

When I thought we were safe inside at a sporting event,  the situation worsened as we witnessed fireworks being set off in the stands. Again, law enforcement stood down,  taking no visible action. It was nearly impossible to enjoy the soccer game.

After the game concluded, the planned fireworks show was mediocre at best; bright lights made viewing less desirable, the show was short and not choreographed well compared to many I’ve seen.  It appeared that a large percentage of people exited the stadium to watch the show from elsewhere

Leaving the stadium felt like we were within a war zone. Fireworks were going off everywhere–exploding in front of us and flying from every direction. Dangerous! As we did earlier,we saw fireworks at the parks and all around the neighborhoods on our return home.

Pasadena needs to step up and enforce their ban on fireworks at the Rose Bowl.and do a drone show.

What good is a zero tolerance if police stand by while fireworks are being lit in front of them?

The Shotspotter system on which the city spent and spends hundreds of thousands of dollars seems to be underutilized. It should be able to assist with at least reporting the incidents. But most important is having officers enforce the law.

When we hear over and over, “See something, say something,” and then disappointingly get a “Do nothing” response from the city, the result is that people will give up and then say nothing.

Then when asked about community policing or other engagement with public safety we hear,“Nobody says anything!”

Watch these videos to glimpse the severity:





Update: We have learned that the MLS has fined($100k) and revoked privileges to the Galaxy group that was responsible for the incident at the Rose Bowl.  We do not know if anyone will be cited or prosecuted from the acts that took place at the Rose Bowl that day, but it still stands that nothing was done to stop the activities that took place. Causing harm to families and obscuring the ability to enjoy the game.

Jul 18 2024
President Biden Close to Stepping Aside for 2024 Election Run

Reports are coming in that President Biden is close to stepping down from the 2024 election run.

What happens next is anyone’s guess.

Some possibilities include Kama Harris as the parties candidate, or that perhaps Biden steps aside before his term is up and Kamala takes the President position and brings in a VP.

From the list of possible candidates and nominees, there doesn’t appear to be anyone who stands out.

Some of the potential candidates:

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer
Vice-President Kamala Harris
California Governor Gavin Newsom
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg
Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro
Illinois Governor JB Pritzker

Jul 11 2024
Pasadena State of Enforcement and ZERO Tolerance of Fireworks July 4, 2024, Fireworks in Stands at Rose Bowl
Pasadena State of Enforcement and ZERO Tolerance of Fireworks July 4, 2024
Fireworks in Stands at Rose Bowl
The calls for service data from the Pasadena Police Dept for the period prior, during and after the 4th show hundreds of calls related to fireworks use.
Why is it that fireworks get a different treatment than guns?   Fireworks should be considered dangerous and with Pasadena’s ZERO tolerance, the use of fireworks should subject to arrest.
Here’s some videos of what took place inside and outside of the Rose Bowl on the 4th of July 2024.

Pasadena can do MUCH better when it comes to fireworks use enforcement.
Here are some emails that have been sent back and forth from various parties including Rose Bowl executives in particular the CEO.
Most recent email to Jens Weiden CEO/GM of the Rose Bowl :  There has been no response to this email:
But the issues was not addressed and I requested that you be the person that should have called me. This is not a media communications issue it is a security operations and executive management issue.
The severity of what occurred is much worse than anyone seems to comprehend or admit.
It certainly should serve as a wake up call for what can happen.
1. Explosives being brought into a stadium with 70k people.
2. Explosives being ignited unchecked
3. Impairing visibility and causing respiratory issues with smoke bombs.
This is inside the stadium, what was taking place around the stadium was as bad if not worse.
The inaction of enforcement of a zero tolerance for fireworks not to mention the clearly stated terms of what is allowed in the stadium all clearly violated and NOT ENFORCED.
My questions remain.
What happened and why did we not see these activities stopped immediately and the culprits arrested.
How did explosives get through security?
Was there any calls for other agencies to assist?
I am a reasonable person but this was clearly a dereliction and failure on so many levels.
And to top it all off the awful fireworks show with lights blazing into the stadium stands impairing the viewing o the fireworks.
The Rose Bowl needs to reimagine what happens on the 4th because what I and many others experienced was unacceptable.  Fireworks are dangerous on so many levels.  Set a better example and do a drone show or laser show or nothing but no fireworks, be responsible stewards and don’t participate in polluting our air with more toxic chemicals.
Please include my comments and emails to RBOC members and provide me with the details to address and submit my concerns directly to the board.
This email also received no response as of today.

Thank you Chief Augustin,

Please understand that my concerns are founded on personal firsthand experience of the 4th and days prior and afterwards. With fireworks still being set off in the city limits yesterday evening in my neighborhood.
My questions were not answered as follows in the follow-up email:
When there are illegal fireworks going off inside the Rose Bowl, and nothing is being done… This went on for 45minutes at least.   Was anyone cited or arrested?
How could fireworks be allowed to be brought into the stadium and be ignited and go on for so long?   What protocol was in effect and are these being revisited based on what transpired. I would be very concerned if there was a terrorist attack with explosives or chemical agents; thousands could be killed.  The amount and type of fireworks that was ALLOWED to be brought into the stadium is appalling.
This is of grave concern, and because I witnessed firsthand the lax security I cannot in good conscious support or attend an event at the Rose Bowl. and question that any event in the city is safe.
Outside the Rose Bowl, again illegal fireworks going off in front of officers, was anyone cited or arrested?
Brenner Park, again fireworks being set off in front of police presence with police vehicles lights on.   Was anyone cited or arrested?
With all this taken into consideration, my objective is to help to bring awareness of the severity of the issue, and to have the city manager and council be 100% behind efforts of PFD and PPD, to eradicate the use of fireworks in the city.   But the foundation has to be set that if there is little to no enforcement of the ZERO tolerance then having drones or other tools are worthless. We need officers who are empowered and motivated to meet the objective of ZERO tolerance.
Victor Caballero
These are the response so far:
Pasadena Police Chief Eugene Harris

As a PD follow up please accept the following…



Enforcement Period 7/1/2024 through 7/7/2024

Calls for service:                218

Citations:                             10


Enforcement Period: 6/17/2024 through 6/30/2024

Calls for service:               55

Citations:                             1


Total lbs. of confiscation 7/4:         30 lbs.

Total lbs. overall: 6/1-7/3                50 lbs.


Fires:     1

Palm tree at Glen and Washington


Injuries related to Fireworks:     0


On the calls for service it is exceedingly difficult to catch violators in the act. The law requires we see the violation in order to arrest or cite, or there has to be a willing complainant willing to prosecute. Unless we have these components the elements for probable cause are not met. We do , however document all contacts for follow up. All of our calls for service were either anonymous or the R/P was unwilling to make a private persons arrest.


Regarding number 3…

Our reserve police officers do have the authority to cite as any regular officer does. They have been factored in yo our enforcement efforts.


Regarding numbers 4 & 5…

There may be some traction to  rewards for info leading to arrest and conviction but this will typically only work in felony cases.  We would be cautioned not to create a bounty for arrests that require private persons to make the arrest as in misdemeanor cases. Which leads to the inability for resident/witness issued citations as there is no allowance in the law for that, outside private persons arrest procedures


We will continue to strive for improvement in our education, engineering, and enforcement endeavors.  One of those high on our list is the use of drones with real time crime capabilities. We hope to move to operational technology by next year.


Please contact me with any other questions or concerns.

These are the response so far:
Pasadena Fire Chief Chad Augustin


Thank you for the email, but before I address it, I want to express my team’s gratitude for the wonderful email you sent last week complimenting them on the decreased frequency of illegal fireworks this year as opposed to previous years. 

Well, as Murphy’s Law would have it, just five minutes before you sent your email from a resident complaining about how poorly we did, I received a very nice email from a resident in Bungalow Heaven complimenting us for our incredible work and that he was pleasantly surprised that there were so few fireworks this year.   In my professional opinion, this year was by far the best in my four years as your Fire Chief.  This is due to the deliberate work by your PPD and PFD.  Leading up to the fourth, there was very little fireworks until after July 1st.  


Yesterday was very busy for both PPD and PFD, demonstrating the fact that there will always be work to do.  I think it is extremely important to remind everyone that in addition to working normal assigned job duties on July 4th, many of our employees were force hired to work in order to ensure there was adequate staffing at the Rose Bowl for a safe and fun event.  Our employees know that this is just part of the job when you work for PPD or PFD.  Regardless, the work that PPD and PFD did yesterday at a major soccer event was impressive to say the least.


I would like to address your recommendations to the best of my ability.


  1. Both PPD and PFD have been exploring adding an unmanned aircraft system (UAS).  The benefits are far more than just for illegal fireworks.  From the Fire side, having this program can provide incredible intel for both structure and brush fires.  There would be significant startup costs for this program, as well as a need to hire additional staff for PFD to add this additional level of service.
  1. I cannot speak for Code Enforcement, but I can address Fire Inspectors.  As you are aware, we have Arson Task Force personnel working nightly leading up to the fourth.  Yesterday, we had nearly double the amount of personnel on duty from a normal day.  That included every Fire Inspector.  The primary responsibility of the over 40 extra PFD personnel was ensuring a safe event at the Rose Bowl.  I cannot confirm the exact number of additional law enforcement personnel, but it was probably double or triple that amount.  In addition to the 60,000 in attendance, there were thousands of additional fans tailgating in the area.  It is important to highlight that our crews worked incredibly hard to ensure that everyone had a good time and left safely.  

After the soccer game concluded, my entire Executive team and members of Command staff transitioned to patrolling the streets of Pasadena to assist with additional call demand and enforcement of illegal fireworks. 

  1. Citations were challenging again last night.  As we have previously discussed, in order to hand out a citation, we either have to witness the illegal activity or have someone willing to confirm that they witnessed it.  Frequently, we arrive in the area and nobody is in the area any longer.  When we question the neighbors, they tell us they didn’t see anything.
  1. Chief Harris and his team will be able to speak on number four, as they have been researching innovative ideas that other cities have tried.
  1. We would be greatly appreciative of residents assisting us.  The best things they could do is call when they see something and confirm what they witnessed when we arrive.  Unfortunately, most residents want to remain anonymous.


I hope that this information is helpful.  My team and I are committed to continuing to make Pasadena safer and eradicate illegal fireworks.





Chad Augustin

Fire Chief

Pasadena Fire Department

Jul 2 2024
bbad – Breakfast Burritos All Day – Coming Soon to Pasadena Hotel

bbad is opening soon at 928 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA. Located inside of the Pasadena Hotel & Pool. Enter from…
928 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, California 91106

Breakfast Burritos All Day | 928 E. Colorado Blvd. #101
At bbad (Breakfast Burritos All Day), they are passionate about bringing together the vibrant flavors of California and the rich culinary traditions of California. Their music-inspired cuisine is a celebration of their diverse community and the creativity that comes from blending different cultures.​
For more information, please visit Breakfast Burritos All Day.
Jun 18 2024
Pasadena Reinforces All Fireworks Are Illegal and Ordinance Will Be Strictly Enforced; Fines up to $50,000 and Serving Up to One Year in County Jail




Lisa Derderian, Pasadena Public Information Officer, City Manager’s Office

(626) 744-4755, lderderian@cityofpasadena.net


Pasadena Reinforces All Fireworks Are Illegal and Ordinance Will Be Strictly Enforced; Fines up to $50,000 and Serving Up to One Year in County Jail


PASADENA, Calif.—Statistics show that fireworks are among the most dangerous of all consumer products. The City maintains a zero-tolerance enforcement policy for fireworks, and Pasadena’s municipal code holds property owners and tenants responsible for permitting the possession, sale, usage, or discharge of fireworks on their property. The ordinance allows for the prosecution of fireworks-related offenses and for the demand of payment for all costs associated with the safe disposal of confiscated fireworks. Any person who violates the ordinance or any state law regarding fireworks is subject to arrest; having their vehicles impounded; serving up to one year in county jail; and being fined up to $50,000.

Even hand-held sparklers, which many consider safe, are dangerous and can reach 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit, causing serious burns or fires. National Fire Protection Association statistics reveal that a majority of fireworks-related injuries are caused by so-called “safe and sane” fireworks, which are illegal in Pasadena.

Help keep our community—our children, our homes and our property—safe from illegal fireworks. If you see something, say something! Call Pasadena Police Department at (626) 744-4241 to report illegal fireworks and other suspicious activities. Residents may also use the City Service Center mobile app (Pasadena CSC), available on Google Play and the App Store, to report illegal fireworks.

Pasadena police and firefighters are teaming up for special fireworks enforcement patrols before and during the Fourth of July holiday, and officers will seize fireworks in an effort to protect the public. Parking enforcement officers will ensure that vehicles illegally parked in Pasadena’s hillside areas on July 4 are impounded.

Pasadena Fire Chief Chad Augustin and Police Chief Gene Harris urge everyone to prioritize safety while responsibly celebrating our Great Nation’s Birthday.  The City offers the following safety reminders:

  • Pasadena has a “NO Fireworks, Zero Tolerance Policy” for enforcement.
  • Celebrate responsibility, always designate a driver.
  • If outdoors, remember to use sunscreen, wear a brimmed hat for shade and stay hydrated.
  • Always have someone tending the barbecue and watching the swimming pool when in use.
  • Call 9-1-1 for all life-threatening emergencies.
  • Call (626) 744-4241 for all other public safety needs.  If You See Something, Say Something, especially about illegal fireworks. The home, property or lives you save from fire, might just be your own.
  • Visit ReadyPasadena.net for emergency preparedness information and register your telephones to receive Red Flag Alerts or other emergency notifications.


PLEASE NOTE: America Fest will not happen this year. The Rose Bowl Stadium will be hosting a soccer game on July 4. Only ticket holders will be permitted to park in the area, and parking will be strictly enforced around the stadium.

Stay connected to the City of Pasadena! Visit us online at CityOfPasadena.net; follow us on TwitterInstagram and Facebook; or call the City Service Center Monday through Friday during business hours at (626) 744-7311.


Jun 13 2024
214 S. Lake Ave Pasadena? Old Dupars and Hamburger Hamlet Location

Something is going in at the old Dupars and hamburger hamlet location. Work has been done from plumbing to painting and construction.

Jun 7 2024
Allen Avenue Transportation Improvements Community Meeting – June 25, 2024

Allen Avenue Transportation Improvements Community Meeting

Tuesday, June 25

5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Jefferson Branch Library 1500 E. Villa St.


Have you seen the pink paint and buffers at Allen and Walnut? The City of Pasadena’s Department of Transportation is testing out temporary improvements along Allen Avenue, between Walnut Street and Villa Street, to make it safer and more enjoyable to walk and bike. Improvements include improved crosswalks, curb extensions at street corners that provide extra space for pedestrians and shorten crossing distances, and new bicycle lanes between Villa Street and Corson Street.

Attend the meeting on June 25 at 5:30pm to learn about the improvements and provide feedback. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please submit your feedback here.

May 30 2024
Household Hazardous/Electronic Waste Round Up Pasadena June 29, 2024 9-3pm
Flyer with date, time and location of LA County Household Hazerdous Waste event June 29th

Household Hazardous/Electronic Waste Round Up

June 29 @ 9:00 am – 3:00 pm


All residents of Los Angeles County are invited to a one-day collection event at Brookside Park, parking lot I to properly dispose of HHW/E-Waste FREE of charge. Events are from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (unless otherwise noted). Rain or shine.

Things You CAN Bring

Motor oil, antifreeze
Paint, paint thinner
Turpentine, cleaners with acids or lye
Pesticides and herbicides
Household and car batteries
Old computers and television sets
Sharps or used needles
Expired pharmaceuticals and mercury thermometers
Fluorescent light bulbs

Things You CANNOT Bring
Explosives, ammunition or radioactive materials
Waste from businesses will not be accepted
Trash or old tires
White goods such as washers, stoves, refrigerators or air conditioners
How to Prepare

In general, there is a limit of 15 gallons or 125 lbs. per vehicle.
Bring items in a sturdy box, preferably in their original labeled containers.
Be prepared to leave your containers.
Do not mix products together.
Please do not attend this event if you have any COVID-19 related symptoms, have been asked to quarantine, or have had known contact with a COVID-19 positive individual or are awaiting COVID-19 test results.

For more information, contact the LA County Sanitation Districts at (800) 238-0173 or info@lacsd.org.


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